Child Health Nursing is written with this challenge in mind. It views maternal-newborn and child health care not as two separate disciplines but as a continuum of knowledge. It is designed to present the content of the two disciplines comprehensively but not redundantly. It is based on a philosophy of nursing care that respects clients as individuals yet views them as part of families and society. The book is designed for undergraduate student use for a combined course in maternal-newborn and child health, or for a curriculum in which these courses are taught separately but integrated. It provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the many facets of maternal and child health nursing, while promoting a sensitive, holistic outlook on nursing practice. As such, the book will also be used for graduate students who are interested in reviewing or expanding their knowledge in these areas. Basic themes that are integrated into this text include the experience of wellness and illness as family-centered events, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods of wellness in the life of a woman, and the importance of knowledge in the area of child development in the planning of nursing care. Also included are themes reƻective of changes in health care delivery and the importance of meeting the needs of a culturally diverse population.
ISBN : 9788190867504
Pages : 280