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  Archaeology In India

Archaeology In India

by James Fergusson

  Price : Rs 520.00
  Your Price : Rs 379.60
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  Archaeology may to most people appear a very insignificant and trivial affair, to the author it happens to have been far otherwise. Though he will not say it has been the most important business of his life, it certainly has been its most important recreation, and he has derived from it more enjoyment than from perhaps any other source. He began the study some fifty years ago, at the time when t he geni us of Pr i ns ep wasrecreating, and breathing fresh life into the chaotic mass of idle fables, which, before his time, represented the history and doct r i nes of Buddhi s m. Thechronology of the sect and the biography of its founder were then daily assuming shape and becoming clearer; but little had been done to ascertain what their architecture had been, or to discriminate what really belonged respectively to Buddhism, to the Jains or to the Hindus, still less had the origin of these various forms been traced, or how they arose, and what their influence was on each other. What little had been attempted, was of the haziest and most tentative character. The book contains 4 chapters and 11 woodcuts and it is good for researcher point of view.

ISBN : 9788121244947

Pages : 131
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