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  A History Of Fine Art In India And Ceylon From The Earliest Times To The Present Day

A History Of Fine Art In India And Ceylon From The Earliest Times To The Present Day

by Vincent A. Smith

  Price : Rs 1690.00
  Your Price : Rs 1233.70
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  This big and lavishly illustrated work traces the evolution of the arts and of the fine arts (sculpture, architecture, monuments, painting, calligraphy, etc) of the nations of south Asia. The book has 15 detailed chapters, which are divided into geographical, and sometimes historical, zones : the book starts with the Mauryan period, and proceeds to notice Mathura and Amravati, with reference to the Kushan influence; the foreign influences; the Gupta period; cave temples; medieval period; southern India; Ceylon and java; central Asia, Tibet, and Nepal; Indo-Muhammadan styles of architecture; their decorative arts; painting, and the modern schools are the last chapters. There are there are 179 plates of photos, illustrations (some in colour), and ground plans accompanying the text. Second Edition revised by K.De. B. Codrington This book is a reprint of the 1930 edition

ISBN : 9788121235150

Pages : 564
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