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  42 Years Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2020-1979) IIT JEE Main & Advanced Physics

42 Years Chapterwise Topicwise Solved Papers (2020-1979) Iit Jee Main & Advanced Physics

by D C Pandey

  Price : Rs 485.00
  Your Price : Rs 388.00
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  1. 42 years’ Chapter-wise and topic-wise Solved Papers for JEE Main & Advanced
2. This book deals with Physics subject
3. The book is divided into 17 chapters
4. Ample questions are given [2020-1979] for practice
5. Jee Advanced solved papers are provided to know the paper pattern
6. Selected questions 2020 from Jan & Sept attempt to know the important questions cracking up one of the most difficult National level entrance exams like IIT JEE is not an easy task. Thorough practice is required from the previous years’ question papers to get an idea about Paper pattern and questions asked. Prepared under the vision of our expert Faculty, presenting the updated edition of “42 years’ chapters wise Topic wise Solved Papers [2020-1979]” of Physics for IIT JEE Main & Advanced is a one stop solution for the preparation of engineering entrances. Covering the entire syllabus in 17 chapters of both main & Advanced, This book is supplemented with good number of questions from 1979 to 2020 in a chapter wise and topic-wise manner. For further practice ‘previous years’ solved papers and selected questions of JEE Main (Jan & Sept) 2020’ are given at the end of the book to help aspirants for the forthcoming exam. Br>table of Content General Physics, Kinematics, laws of Motion, Work, Power and Energy, centre of Mass, Rotation, Gravitation, simple Harmonic Motion, properties of Matter, wave Motion, heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, current Electricity, Electrostatics, Magnetics, electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current, modern Physics, JEE Advanced solved Paper 2019, JEE Advanced solved Paper 2020, selected question of JEE Main (Jan & Sep) 2020.

ISBN : 9789325292505

Pages : 699
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