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  Textbook of Zoology for NEET and other Medical Entrance Examinations

Textbook Of Zoology For Neet And Other Medical Entrance Examinations

by Wiley Editorial

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  The book has been organized with a structured approach as per the latest NEET syllabus requirement. A relatively conventional sequence of subjects is followed. Chapters 1 and 2 cover the diversity and classification of animal kingdom; Chapters 3 and 4 elucidate structural organization in animals; Chapters 5 through 11 deal with animal physiology; Chapters 12 to 14 discuss reproduction in organism specifically humans and their reproductive health; Chapter 15 introduces evolution; Chapters 16 and 17 explains how zoology is useful for the human welfare; Chapters 18 and 19 present an overview of the vast topic of biotechnology and its application.

1 Animal Kingdom (Non-Chordata)


1.2 Basis of Classification

1.3 Classification of Animals

1.4 Phylum Porifera

1.5 Phylum Coelenterata (Cnidaria)

1.6 Phylum Ctenophora

1.7 Phylum Platyhelminthes

1.8 Phylum Aschelminthes or Nemathelminthes

1.9 Phylum Annelida

1.10 Phylum Arthropoda

1.11 Phylum Mollusca

1.12 Phylum Echinodermata

1.13 Phylum Hemichordata

2 Animal Kingdom (Chordata)

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Phylum Chordata

2.3 Division Agnatha

2.4 Division Gnathostomata

2.5 Class Amphibia

2.6 Class Reptilia

2.7 Class Aves

2.8 Class Mammalia

3 Structural Organization in Animals

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Animal Tissues

3.3 Epithelial Tissue

3.4 Connective Tissue

3.5 Muscle Tissue

3.6 Neural Tissue

3.7 Organ and Organ Systems

3.8 Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma)

3.9 Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

3.10 Frog

4 Biomolecules

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Analysis of Chemical Composition

4.3 Biomacromolecules

4.4 Primary and Secondary Metabolites

4.5 Carbohydrates

4.6 Amino Acids

4.7 Proteins

4.8 Lipids

4.9 Nucleic Acids

4.10 Nature of Bonding in Polymers

4.11 Qualitative Tests for Polymers

4.12 Metabolism and its Concept

4.13 Metabolic Basis for Living—Anabolic and Catabolic Pathways

4.14 Concept of Non-Equilibrium and Steady State

4.15 Enzymes

5 Digestion and Absorption

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Different Types of Nutrition and Nutrients

5.3 Digestive System of Humans

5.4 Alimentary Canal

5.5 Histology of Wall of Alimentary Canal

5.6 Digestive Glands

5.7 Digestion of Food

5.8 Neural and Hormonal Regulation in Digestion

5.9 Calorific Values of Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats

5.10 Absorption and Assimilation of Digested Products

5.11 Disorders of Digestive System

6 Breathing and Exchange of Gases

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Respiratory Organs

6.3 Human Respiratory System

6.4 Mechanism of Breathing

6.5 Respiratory Volumes and Capacities

6.6 Exchange of Gases

6.7 Transport of Gases

6.8 Regulation of Respiration

6.9 Disorders of Respiratory System

7 Body Fluids and Circulation

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Blood–An Extracellular Fluid

7.3 Components of Blood

7.4 Blood Groups–ABO and RH Group

7.5 Coagulation of Blood

7.6 Lymph (Tissue Fluid)

7.7 Circulatory Pathways

7.8 Human Circulatory System

7.9 Double Circulation

7.10 Regulation of Cardiac Activity

7.11 Disorders of Circulatory System

8 Excretory Products and their Elimination

8.1 Excretory Products

8.2 Classification of Animals Based on Excretory Products

8.3 Modes of Excretion in Various Animals

8.4 The Human Excretory System

8.5 Kidneys

8.6 Ureters

8.7 Urinary Bladder

8.8 Urethra

8.9 Excretion – Urea and Urine Formation

8.10 Functions of the Tubules – Reabsorption and Secretion

8.11 Countercurrent Mechanism of Concentration of the Filtrate

8.12 Regulation of the Kidney Function

8.13 Micturition

8.14 Urine Characteristics

8.15 Role of Other Organs in Excretion

8.16 Disorders of the Excretory System

9 Locomotion and Movement

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Types of Movement

9.3 Muscle

9.4 Mechanism of Muscle Contraction

9.5 Muscle Metabolism

9.6 Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers

9.7 Skeletal System

9.8 Axial Skeleton—Skull and Ear Ossicles

9.9 Axial Skeleton—Vertebral Column

9.10 Appendicular Skeleton

9.11 Joints

9.12 Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal Systems and Joints

10 Neural Control and Coordination

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Neural System

10.3 Human Neural System

10.4 Nervous Tissue

10.5 Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulse

10.6 Transmission of Impulses

10.7 Central Neural System

10.8 Spinal Cord

10.9 Divisions of Peripheral Neural System—Somatic and Autonomic Neural Systems

10.10 Reflex Action and Reflex Arc

10.11 Sensory Reception and Processing

10.12 Eye

10.13 The Ear

10.14 Nose

10.15 Tongue

10.16 Tactile Sensation

10.17 Common Disorders of the Neural System and Special Senses

11 Chemical Coordination and Integration

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Endocrine Glands and Hormones

11.3 Human Endocrine System

11.4 Hormones of Other Organs

11.5 Mechanism of Hormone Action

11.6 Activity of the Endocrine System

11.7 Disorders of the Endocrine System

12 Reproduction in Organisms

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Reproduction

12.3 Asexual Reproduction

12.4 Sexual Reproduction

12.5 Events in Sexual Reproduction

13 Human Reproduction

13.1 Introduction

13.2 The Male Reproductive System

13.3 The Female Reproductive System

13.4 Gametogenesis

13.5 Menstrual Cycle

13.6 Fertilization and Implantation

13.7 Pregnancy and Embryonic Development

13.8 Parturition and Lactation

13.9 Some Disorders of the Reproductive System

14 Reproductive Health

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Reproductive Health – Problems and Strategies

14.3 Human population growth

14.4 Methods of Birth Control

14.5 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) (Induced Abortion)

14.6 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

14.7 Infertility

14.8 Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

15 Evolution

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Origin of life

15.3 Theories on the Origin of Life

15.4 Evolution of Life Forms

15.5 Evidences of Evolution

15.6 Adaptive Radiation

15.7 Theories of Evolution

15.8 Mechanism of Evolution

15.9 Hardy-Weinberg Principle

15.10 A Brief Account of Evolution

15.11 Origin and Evolution of Man

16 Human Health and Diseases

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Disease and its Classification

16.3 Diseases Caused by Viruses

16.4 Diseases Caused by Bacteria

16.5 Diseases Caused by Protozoa

16.6 Diseases Caused by Helminthes

16.7 Diseases Caused by Rickettsia

16.8 Diseases Caused by Spirochaetes

16.9 Diseases caused by Fungi

16.10 Non-Communicable Diseases

16.11 Immunity

16.12 Innate Immunity

16.13 Acquired Immunity

16.14 Active and Passive Immunity

16.15 Vaccination and Immunization

16.16 Allergies

16.17 Autoimmunity

16.18 Immune System in the Body

16.19 Cancer

16.20 AIDS

16.21 Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

17 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production–Animal Husbandry

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Management of Farms and Farm Animals

17.3 Animal Breeds

17.4 Animal Breeding

17.5 Animal Husbandry

18 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Principles of Biotechnology

18.3 Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology

18.4 Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology

19 Biotechnology and Its Applications

19.1 Introduction

19.2 Biotechnological Applications in Agriculture

19.3 Transgenic Plants

19.4 Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crops

19.5 Biotechnological Applications in Medicine

19.6 Gene Therapy

19.7 Stem Cell Therapy

19.8 Molecular Diagnosis

19.9 Transgenic Animals

19.10 Ethical Issues

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ISBN - 9788126557189

Pages : 1016
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