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  Journey of Women Law Reforms and the Law Commission of India: Some Insights

Journey Of Women Law Reforms And The Law Commission Of India: Some Insights

by Pawan Sharma

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  Journey of Women Law Reforms and the Law Commission of India: Some Insights is of its own kind. The book represents to read experiences through theories and theories through experiences. Intertwines vast experiences the author has gained working on women issues on behalf of the Law Commission of India, and is in addition to her scholastic insights into women`s lives cutting across class, caste, communities and boundaries that she possesses. A significant aspect of the work is that unlike many other works which generally remain confined to discussion on violence against women or which sometimes in addition does talk of inequalities in terms of economic rights of women, the author of the present work goes beyond and almost covers every aspect of human relations with specific focus on women`s lives be it matrimonial, familial, societal and economic belonging to personal laws of various communities. The work apart from narrating recommendations and suggestions made by the Commission dealing with women issues also brings in-sights and very engaging approach to understanding, analysing and critiquing these recommendations. The work also focuses on the importance of adopting institutional approach to Women Law Reforms and limitation of the Commission in this regard. To be precise in a way, the book is pioneer work that opens a new source to be relied upon not only by students, academicians, legal practitioners, judges, legal scholars, women activists but also those who belong to the world of sociology, economics, politics, journalism and media.

ISBN - 9788131252512

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