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  On the Trail of the Black: Tracking Corruption

On The Trail Of The Black: Tracking Corruption

by Bibek Debroy, Kishore Arun Desai

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  The colour black loses its grandeur the moment it is used in the context of corruption. In the last few decades, the spectre of corruption in India has only increased, and has become a reality so grim that most of us have accepted it as fait accompli. Further, the abuse of power, position and privilege for personal gain is rampant. Corruption and black money are festering sores that are holding us back in the race towards development.

Since 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has displayed strong political intent and an unambiguous resolve to uproot this menace. November 2016 witnessed the bold and radical exercise of demonetization that strengthened the hands of the common man in the fight against corruption.

On the Trail of the Black traces the cross-sectoral prevalence of corruption—from agriculture and real estate to education and electoral finances—in a comprehensive manner giving readers a ringside view of its cumulative and cascading impact on the common citizen. Further, concrete steps to uproot corruption are also suggested. This action agenda follows a consistent, fact-based diagnostic and analytical approach.

Leveraging the practical experience of senior government officials and the passion of young professionals, this book presents a systematic enquiry on corruption. Given the richness, diversity and depth of the subject, this authoritative volume is a valuable reference to every citizen who dreams of a corruption-free India.

ISBN - 9788129149220

Pages : 300
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