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  Textbook of Bakery and Confectionery

Textbook Of Bakery And Confectionery

by Ashok Kumar Yogambal

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Baking is both an art and a science, and mastery in baking allows the baker to be creative in exploring new and quality products from inconsistent ingredients and process conditions. This book, now in its second edition, gives a succinct account of the practical and theoretical concepts, the methods and processes involved in the preparation of various bakery products and The author, with her rich teaching and industry experience in the field, gives a wealth of information about making of various yeast-made products-bread, cakes, biscuits, desserts and pizza their ingredients, leavening agents, and the functions of salt, sugar, eggs and so on in bakery production. She also discusses the use of modern technology machines in bakery production, icings, decoration, bakery organization and many other aspects and this revised edition updates and simplifies the existing text in a number of places and also includes a large number of colour photos of finished products and ingredients, which will provide the readers with clear knowledge about them. This book is mainly intended as a textbook for undergraduate students pursuing courses in Hotel Management, Catering and Nutrition Science and Home Science. Besides, the book can also be useful as a guide for home bakers and industrial bakers as well as those engaged in the profession.

ISBN - 9788120346031

Pages : 244
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