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  Chapterwise Solutions JEE Main Chemistry (2015 - 2002) - 2016 Ed.

Chapterwise Solutions Jee Main Chemistry (2015 - 2002) - 2016 Ed.

by Arihant Experts

  Price : Rs 199.00
  Your Price : Rs 159.20
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  Knowing the importance of different chapters and topics from the syllabi helps in strategic preparation for the same by allotting time accordingly. This collection of previous years` solved Chemistry questions for medical entrances has been designed for the students preparing for IIT JEE and various other National and Regional Engineering Entrance Examinations such as BITSAT, VITEEE, SMU, MP PET, Orissa JEE, Andhra EAMCET, BVP, etc
The present book for JEE Main and various other engineering entrance examinations contains chapterwise solutions of questions asked in last 14 years` (2002-2015) JEE Main and AIEEE Examinations. The previous years` questions along with their detailed solutions have been given chapterwise to facilitate better understanding of the syllabi in chapterwise format. The book has been divided into 20 chapters namely Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, States of Matter, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics, Solutions, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics and Surface Chemistry, Periodicity of Elements, Principles and Process of Metallurgy, Hydrogen, s and p-Block Elements, d and f-Block Elements and Coordination Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, General Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons and their Halogen Derivatives, Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Polymers and Biomolecules and Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry in Everyday Life, each containing ample number of solved previous years` questions asked in JEE Main and AIEEE. The previous years` questions have been solved in detail with authentic and detailed solutions for better comprehension of the concepts on which the questions are based. Practicing the previous years` questions also helps to understand the type of questions asked in these entrance exams. Also 10 Practice Sets designed to act as the perfect practice material for JEE Main 2016 and various other regional and national engineering entrances have been provided. The book also contains JEE Main 2015 Solved Paper to help aspirants get an insight into the examination pattern and the types of questions asked therein.
As the book contains ample number of solved Chemistry previous questions asked in JEE Main and AIEEE covered chapterwise and also contains 10 Practice Sets for ample practice for the upcoming JEE Main 2016, it for sure will help the aspirants master the concepts for upcoming JEE Main and other regional and national engineering entrances.

ISBN - 9789352035373

Pages : 220
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