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  Transfer of Property Act - With Model Forms of Sale Deed, Agreement to Sell, Mortgage, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Partition Deed, Assignment of Actionable Claim etc. (Set of 2 Volumes)

Transfer Of Property Act - With Model Forms Of Sale Deed, Agreement To Sell, Mortgage, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Partition Deed, Assignment Of Actionable Claim Etc. (Set Of 2 Volumes)

by Sanjiva Row

  Price : Rs 3750.00
  Your Price : Rs 3262.50
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  "The Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is a pre-constitutional law and has been there on the statute book with amendments brought in to meet the challenges and exigencies of the time. The jurisprudence on the subject has developed more on account of the case-law coming from the Supreme Court and the High Courts, giving a fine shape to the law itself.

Sanjiva Row, Transfer of Property Act has been in publication for past many decades and keeping with its tradition of being a legal classic on the subject this ninth edition has been upgraded with all relevant judgments passed by the constitutional courts in the country. Enriched with up-to-date case-law along with analysis of the basic concepts and principles involved, this edition is being brought in before the readers with a view to keep them updated on the latest position of law on the subject. "

ISBN - 9788131251355

Pages : 3232
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