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  Society & Internet: How Networks of Information and Communication are Changing Our Lives

Society & Internet: How Networks Of Information And Communication Are Changing Our Lives

by Edited By Graham & Dutton

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  How is society being shaped by the diffusion and increasing centrality of the Internet in everyday life and work? By bringing together leading research that addresses some of the most significant cultural, economic and political roles of the Internet, this volume introduces students to a core set of readings that address this question in specific social and institutional contexts. Internet Studies is a burgeoning new field, which has been central to the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), an innovative multi-disciplinary department at the University of Oxford. Society and the Internet build on the OII`s evolving series of lectures on society and the Internet. The series has been edited to create a reader to supplement upper-division undergraduate and graduate courses that seek to introduce students to scholarship focused on the implications of the Internet for networked societies around the world. The chapters of the reader are rooted in a variety of disciplines, but all directly tackle the powerful ways in which the Internet is linked to political, social, cultural, and economic transformations in society. This book will be a starting point for anyone with a serious interest in the factors shaping the Internet and its impact on society. The book begins with an introduction by the editors, which provides a brief history of the Internet and Web and its study from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The chapters are grouped into six focused sections. The Internet and Everyday Life, Information and Culture on the Line Networked Politics and Government, Networked Businesses, Industries and Economies and Technological and Regulatory Histories and Futures.

Edited by Mark Graham is a geographer and a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute. He is a also the Director of Research at the Oxford Internet Institute and a Visiting Research Associate at the University of Oxford`s School of Geography and the Environment.

William H. Dutton is Professor of Internet Studies at the University of Oxford`s Internet Institute, and a Professorial Fellow at Balliol College. He received a lifetime achievement award for his role as founding director of the OII, and the International Communication Association`s Fred Williams prize for contributions to the study of communication and technology.ISBN - 9780199662005

Pages : 416
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