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  Climate Change and Agriculture Implications for Global Food Security

Climate Change And Agriculture Implications For Global Food Security

by Haripada Das

  Price : Rs 2495.00
  Your Price : Rs 2120.75
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  One of the greatest challenges facing humankind is to minimize the impact of human-induced climate change on the agricultural production and also on the production from livestock, forestry and fisheries sectors. Ever-expanding global population and increased income is likely to generate a several-fold increase in demand for food and fibre by the middle of this century. At the same time the lands and fresh water resources available for expansion of agriculture may be of lower quality than those currently in use. The worst situation arises from a scenario of severe climate change, low economic growth and little farm-level adaptation. In order to minimize possible adverse consequences, like production losses, food price increases, and an increase in the number of people at risk of hunger, the way forward is to encourage more intensive agriculture through the adoption of efficient adaptation techniques, in combination with measures taken to preserve the environment and to use resources more efficiently. The range of adaptation options for agriculture, forestry and fisheries is generally increasing because of technological advances, thus reducing the vulnerability of these systems to climate change. However, in many developing countries technology generation, innovation, and adoption are too slow to sufficiently counteract the increasingly negative effects of climate change. Reducing the vulnerability of agriculture, forestry and fisheries to the adversity of climate extremes will go a long way towards decreasing the long-term vulnerability to climate change. This book, based on the state of art knowledge, represents a major step in understanding the science of various aspects of climate change and their likely impacts on agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fisheries with clear adaptation strategies required to reduce their vulnerability.
Chapter 1: Perspectives on the Interactions between Climate Change Parameters and their Agricultural Significance: An Overview, Chapter 2: Impact of Climate Change on the Global Hydrological Cycle: Implications for Water Resources and Agriculture, chapter 3: Soil Carbon Cycle and Impact of Climate Change on Soil Conditions: Implications for Plant Growth and Food Production, Chapter 4: Global Climate Change Impact on Agricultural and Livestock Production and Adaptation Strategies for Mitigation, Chapter 5: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Measures in Agro-Ecosystems, Chapter 6: Land Degradation, Range Degradation and Desertification under Changing Climate, Chapter 7: Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture and Adaptation Strategies, Chapter 8: Climate Change Impact on Forests and Adaptation Strategies, Chapter 9: Climate Change, Food and Agriculture System, and Global Food Security, Chapter 10: Climate Change, Climate Variability and Climate Extremes: Agrometeorological Impact of Extreme Weather Events, Chapter 11: Livelihood Strategies of Farmers and Fishers under Changing Climate.

ISBN - 9789352300884

Pages : 642
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