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  Kargil: Turning the Tide

Kargil: Turning The Tide

by Lt Gen Mohinder Puri

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 895.50
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  This book is a gripping account of the operations of 8 Mountain Division, which was tasked to evict the enemy from the Drass-Mushkoh Sector during Op Vijay. Coming from the pen of Lt Gen (then Maj Gen) Mohinder Puri, who led the division during the operations, the book is as authentic an account of the operations as one can hope to have. Written in a racy style, the book vividly captures the emotions and sentiments of a soldier; the apprehensions and fears of the leaders, and finally the joy and ecstasy of a hard won victory. The book, covering a wide spectrum from attacks at platoon level to issues impinging on national security, will be of immense value to all military professionals.

Civilian readers will find the accounts of various close quarters, hand to hand battles fought in the extremely challenging and hostile environment of rugged high altitude terrain, inclement weather and an entrenched enemy, very engrossing and moving. A very high casualty count of 268 killed and 818 wounded, coupled with a rich haul of gallantry awards � three Param Vir Chakras, eight Mahavir Chakras, and 42 Vir Chakras � operations of 8 Mountain Division are a saga of fortitude, exceptional bravery, and exemplary junior leadership, which will undoubtedly swell any Indian�s heart with pride.


Kashmir Imbroglio � An Overview
Prelude to Kargil
Pakistani Buildup and Plan
Our Response
3 Infantry Division in Operation Vijay
Infantry Operations
Supporting Arms and Services
Principles of War

ISBN - 9788170623120

Pages : 240
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