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Beginning Spring

by Mert Caliskan, Kennan Sevindik, Rod Johnson, Jurgen Holler

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  Beginning Spring provides Java developers with a thorough introduction to the popular Spring Framework, the most popular choice for Java application development. After covering all the basics, the book leads the most important concepts of doing enterprise application development. The book includes:

The Latest version Spring, the 4.0: covers the latest features coming with Spring version 4.0, which contains support for Java 8.0 and Java EE 7.
The Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control with Spring: covers the core idea the POJO programming model that blazed a trail in the enterprise application development world.
Aspect Oriented Programming and Transaction Management: covers the cross cutting concerns that every enterprise application needs like transaction management.
Building web applications using Spring MVC: show how to meet your customers` demands with Spring MVC.
RESTful Web Services in Spring: covers how to produce REST based services from Spring beans and ways to consume it within UI by giving a sample with PrimeUI framework.

The ideal reader for this book is the enterprise application developer who wants to learn Spring Framework features with its latest version that covers most used and important concepts of an enterprise application


Chapter 1: Pojo Programming Model, Lightweight Containers, and Inversion of Control
Pojo Programming Model
Problems of the Old Ejb Programming Model
Benefits of the Pojo Programming Model
Lightweight Containers and Inversion of Control (LOC)
Lightweight Containers
Inversion of Control (Ioc)
Dependency Injection
Setter Injection
Constructor Injection
Setter or Constructor Injection

Chapter 2: Dependency Injection with Spring
Spring Ioc Container
Configuration Metadata
Configuring and Using the Container
Dependency Injection
Setter Injection
Constructor Injection
Circular Dependencies
Dependency Resolution Process
Overriding Bean Definitions
Using the Depends On Attribute
Bean Lookups
Spring Managed Beans
Naming Beans
Bean Instantiation Methods
Bean Scopes
Lazy Initialization
Life-Cycle Callbacks
Bean Definition Profiles

Chapter 3: Building Web Applications Using Spring MVC
Learning the Features and Benefits of Spring MVC
Using the Dispatcher Servlet Mechanism
Defining the Servlet
Accessing Servlet Context
Creating Your First Spring MVC Application
Configuring Spring MVC with Annotations
Handling Forms with Jsp
Configuring the Form Tag Library
Understanding the Power of Binding
Working with Forms
Using Input Elements
Entering Dates
Selecting from a Drop Down
Selecting with Radio Buttons
Selecting with Checkboxes
Adding Labels
Placing Buttons
Exploiting the Power of Annotations
Validating User Input
Uploading Files
Handling Exceptions
Implementing Internationalization (I18N)
Using Themes

Chapter 4: JDBC Data Access with Spring
Problems with Using Vanilla JDBC
Introducing Spring’s JDBC Support
Managing JDBC Connections
Embedded Db Support
Using a Connection Pooled Datasource
Initializing Db
Configuring and Using Spring’s JDBC Support
Performing Data Access Operations with Spring
Running Queries
Queries with Named Parameters
Writing Queries Using the in Clause
Using Prepared statements Within JDBC template
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Records
Calling Stored Procedures and Stored Functions
Performing Batch Operations
Handling Blob and Clob Objects
Accessing Vendor Specific JDBC Methods
Executing Ddl Operations
Modeling JDBC Operations As Java Objects
Encapsulating SQL Query Executions
Encapsulating SQL Dml Operations
Encapsulating Stored Procedure Executions
Exception Handling and Error Code Translation
Common Data Access Exception Hierarchy
Automatic Handling and Translation of SGL exception

Chapter 5: Data Access with JPA Using Spring
Brief Introduction to Orm and JPA
Paradigm Mismatch
Building Blocks of an Orm Framework
What JPA Offers
Mapping the Object Model to the Relational Model
Defining Entities
Mapping Attributes to Columns
Creating Associations Between Objects
Mapping Java Types to SQL Types
Configuring and Using JPA
Performing Crud Operations on Objects
Querying with Object Query Language
Spring’s JPA Support
Setting Up JPA in Spring Container
Implementing Daos Based on Plain JPA
Handling and Translating Exceptions
Further JPA Configuration in Spring Environment
JPA dialect
JPA vendor adapter
JPA and Load Time Weaving
Dealing with Multiple Persistence Units

Chapter 6: Managing Transactions with Spring
Understanding Transaction Management
Spring’s Transaction Abstraction Model
Local Versus Global Transactions
Platform transaction manager Implementations
Advantages of Spring’s Abstract Transaction Model
Declarative Transaction Management with Spring
Isolating the Service Layer from Data Access Technology Details
Customizing Default Transactional Behavior
Using @Transactional on the Class Level
Understanding Transaction Propagation Rules
Propagation Required
Propagation Requires_New
Propagation Nested
Propagation Supports
Propagation Not_Supported
Propagation Never
Propagation Mandatory
Using for Declarative Transaction Management
Programmatic Transaction Management with Spring
Using the Platformtransactionmanager Approach
Executing Custom Logic Before or After Transactions
Advising Transactional Operations
Executing Logic After Transactions Using Transactionsynchronization

Chapter 7: Test Driven Development with Spring
Configuring and Caching Applicationcontext
Using Xml and Java Based Context Configuration in Tests
Confi Guring Context with Applicationcontextinitializer
Inheriting Context Configuration
Applicationcontext Caching
Injecting Dependencies of Test Fixtures
Using Transaction Management in Tests
Testing Web Applications
Context Hierarchies in Tests
Testing Request and Session Scoped Beans
Testing Spring MVC Projects
Testing Controllers
Testing Form Submit
Testing Exception Handlers
Printing Mock Request and Response
Using Mock Objects and Other Utilities for Testing
Spring Provided Mock Objects for Testing
Other Utilities and Test Annotations

Chapter 8: Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring
Getting Started with AOP with Spring
Becoming Familiar with Types of Advices
After Returning
After Throwing
After (Finally)
Defining Point Cut Designators
The Type Signature Expressions
The Method Signature Expressions
Other Alternative Point Cut Designators
Capitalizing on the Power of Annotations
@After Returning
@After Throwing
Blending Aspect with Spring
Configuring Spring AOP with Annotations

Chapter 9: Spring Expression Language
Configuring Applications with SPEL
Creating a Parser
Invoking Methods
Calling Constructors
Calling Static Methods
Working with Variables and Functions
Accessing System Properties and Environment
Inline Lists
Registering Functions
Understanding SPEL Operators
Relational Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Conditional Operators
Regular Expression Operator
Safe Navigation Operator
Collection Selection and Projection
Selecting the First and Last Element of a Collection
Using Utilities in SPEL
Accessing Spring Beans
Expressions in Caching

Chapter 10: Caching
Building Your First Caching Application
Configuring the Cache Manager with a Different Name
Configuring the Caching Abstraction with Annotations
Working with Cache Annotations
Key Generator
Conditional Caching
Implementing Cache Managers
Noopcachemanager 2
Casting Your Spel on Caches
Initializing Your Caches Programmatically
Finding Alternative Cache Providers

Chapter 11: Restful Web Services with Spring
Creating Your First Rest Web Service
Returning Different Http Status Codes from Rest Web Service
Learning an Annotation Based Configuration Alternative
Using Rest Web Services with Xml
Using the Exception Handling Mechanism
Unit Testing Restful Services

Chapter 12: Securing Web Applications with Spring Security
Why Spring Security?
Features of Spring Security
Configuring and Using Spring Security
Understanding the Fundamental Building Blocks of Spring Security
Authenticating Users
Unsuccessful Login Flow
Successful Login Flow
Anonymous Authentication

ISBN - 9788126554881

Pages : 480
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