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  Social Media Marketing:A Strategic Approach ed.- 01

Social Media Marketing:A Strategic Approach Ed.- 01

by Barker

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach promises to be the seminal textbook in the field with its distinctive conceptual foundation and practical approach to developing successful social media marketing plans. A proven eight-step social media planning model provides students with a cumulative learning experience, showing them how to construct social media strategies that achieve desired marketing goals. These marketing goals shape the development of tailored social media strategies. Special attention is given to the most effective techniques for identifying targeted marketing on the social web, with emphasis on the creation of personas that represent the critical online market segments for a company. Students discover how to put these well-defined personas to work in ing the optimal social media platforms for reaching an organization`s marketing goals. Students are taught rules of engagement and social media ethics for behaving properly as marketers on the social web. With these guidelines in mind, the most productive marketing tactics for each type of major social media platform are examined in depth. These platform-specific tactics, along with all the proceeding material in the book, are brought together in the final chapter to create a comprehensive social media marketing plan, with detailed explanations and illustrations from a real world plan. Extensive consideration is given to monitoring, evaluating and tuning the implementation of social media marketing initiatives. In addition, students are introduced to the most useful quantitative and qualitative social media measurements, along with various ways to estimate an organization`s return on investment in social media marketing activities.

Table of Contents:

Why Social Media?
Goals and Strategies
Identifying Target Audiences
Rules of Engagement for Social Media
Publishing Blogs
Publishing Podcasts & Webinars
Publishing Articles, White Papers and E-Books
Sharing Videos
Sharing Photos and Images
Social Networks
Discussion Boards, Social News Sites and Q & A Sites
Mobile Computing & Location Marketing
Social Media Monitoring Tools
Social Media Marketing Plan
Appendix: Sample Social Media MarketingISBN - 9788131521014

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