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  Birds of Andamanese: Names, Classification and Culture

Birds Of Andamanese: Names, Classification And Culture

by Pande, Satish And Anvita Abbi

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 855.00
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  The first work on Great Andamanese ethno-ornithology, it looks into semantics, linguistics, cultural history, and ornithology. Starting with a brief history of ornithology, the book moves on to describe the bird life of Andamans, indigenous place names of Andamanese Islands, the language and people, among other things. The main part of the book is taken up by species description complemented by photographs of over 100 Andaman bird species. From the methodology of data collection and ethnobiology and nomenclature of birds to how living things are perceived by traditional societies, the nomenclature of avian taxa, and ethno-ornithological classification by Great Andamanese--the range of issues addressed is breathtaking. Interesting details and information related to bird calls and their significance, sound-size symbolism, birds in omen and augury, and bird colour and symbolism add a special flavour to the reading. Importantly, the book also dwells on the threats to wild flora and fauna of Andaman Islands and provides recommendations for conservation.ISBN - 9780198072621

Pages : 240
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