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  steering towardes sustaionabillity

Steering Towardes Sustaionabillity

by N.A

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  Today`s urban actors, both citizens and their leaders, have a major responsibility as trustees of the future: their present actions will influence the shape and structure of cities, so that the generation to come may live healthy and contended lives. This volume takes the reader straight to the heart of how cities work, and identifies contemporary trends, mechanism and tools that can influence current strategies and choices. The authors show that urbanization is not a problem per se for sustainable development, but rather that cities, in all their diversity and complexity, offer solutions as well as challenges. The reader will be inspired by vital analyses of the next decade`s windows of opportunity for sustainable urban growth. Contents: GENERAL OVERVIEW Sustainable Development in 2009: A global perspective Cities: Steering towards sustainability PART I: ECONOMY Globalization: An urban opportunity? World Class Cities: Hubs of globalizations and high finance Sao Paolo: Is fragmentation ineluctable? PART II: ENVIRONMENT India: When urban lifestyle determine the climate Rethinking the city: Combining its form and flows Africa: Improve both environmental and human health The city returns to its hinterlands for natural resources PART III: SOCIAL Access to water and access to the city Africa: Where and How to house urban citizens Insecurity and Segregation: Rejecting an urbanism of fear PART IV: GOVERNANCE Inventing sustainable financing for cities Bridging the ecologies of cities and of nature When emerging cities set standards City Networks: Expressing their needs, building expertiseISBN - 9788179931318

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