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  Chanakya Neeti

Chanakya Neeti

by B K Chaturvedi

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 135.00
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  Chanakya Neeti is a book based on Chanakya, who was an Indian philosopher, teacher and a royal advisor to the Mauryan kings. It speaks about the various ideologies preached by him in those times, which are relevant even in the present times. It`s referred by people to learn about the vices one should avoid to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

The book describes Chanakya, who was also known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. He was a professor at the ancient Takshashila University, in the fields of economics and political science. Apart from that, he assisted the Mauryan emperors, Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. Chanakya had a very important role to play in setting up the Mauryan empire and expanding it.

In Chanakya Neeti, the author speaks about Arthasastra, the ancient dissertation about Indian Politics. The book is based on Chanakya`s deep studies. He documented his findings based on the way people led their lives in India. The book is a compilation of Chanakya`s beliefs and principles, which describe the ideal way of behavior and explains ways of dealing with different people in the society.

Chanakya Neeti, available in paperback, was published on 1st June, 2002. It contains Neeti Sutras in Sanskrit, which are short, but consist influential messages. They are translated into English, along with detailed explanation about its relevancy in today`s times. The book is used as a guide to achieve success. It also describes concepts like Dharma and Karma and the laws governing them.

Key Features

This book is the English translated version of Chanakya`s Neetishastra.ISBN - 9788128400483

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