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  Spiritual Gurus Modern

Spiritual Gurus Modern

by P K Das

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 202.50
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  About the Book: Spiritual Gurus Modern To attain spirituality, Bhakti as Hindu concept of supremeloveand devotion to the divine has been considered as one ofthepopular ways of achieving salvation. Bhakti connotes the ideaandpractice of undivided dedication to a single universal creatorofall life and things in the unbounded universe. To bemeaningful,dedication has to be expressed in thought word and deed.Devotionof God has meaning only if it is concomitant with lovetowards allfellow creatures. It has been emphasized by almost all spiritual gurusthatsatiation of physical needs including carnal desires is not theaimof human life. Human Beings have a much higher and nobler goaltoachieve lasting peace equanimity and equipoise of mind cannevercome from worldly attainment. Happiness obtained fromworldlyaccomplishments is transient. True happiness lies in spirituality, if taught by a preceptorandlearnt by a seeker as a science of experience of the innerworld,commonly known as realization of God. Mere oral sermonizingis notrealization by any stretch of imagination. It is instantandspontaneous supra-mental experience of inherent divinity byaperfect sage. It is upon this super-sensorial experience thatourquest of peace, happiness and perfection can be put to test. ISBN - 9788183520348

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