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  Mechanics 1  for JEE Main & Advanced with Assessment, Feedback & Remedial CD (Fully Solved)

Mechanics 1 For Jee Main & Advanced With Assessment, Feedback & Remedial Cd (Fully Solved)

by Er. D. C. Gupta

  Price : Rs 460.00
  Your Price : Rs 391.00
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  Most of the books designed for the JEE exam either provide learning or practice support for the exam. In other words they are not complete as they do not ensure learning for the students. For the first time in India, Disha Publication, India`s leading publisher for Entrance Exams and School Books launches a unique book with Fool Proof Methodology to Master Physics for JEE Main and Advanced 2015. The latest and updated edition of the Mechanics 1 book now comes with an Assessment, Feedback and Remedial CD which provides chapter-wise assessment along with feedback.

The first book of Disha`s IIT-JEE Physics Super Success Series, Mechanics 1 has been written in the flavour of the new pattern of IIT-JEE. The present book "Mechanics 1 for JEE Main and Advanced" contains 10 chapters. The book covers Units and Dimensions, Vectors and Motion in Straight line, Motion in a Plane, Circular Motion, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Collision and Center of Mass and Gravitation. The book also provides a base chapter on "Mathematics used in Physics" so as to develop a better understanding of the subject. How is the book different? The book follows a 5 step approach in order to assure complete learning for the students.

Learn - Elaborate theory and well discussed Solved Examples to master the concepts/ fundamentals.
Practice - 6 varieties of exercises to expose to past questions and numerous practice questions to master problem solving.
Assess - the CD provides chapter-wise tests to assess the understanding of the concepts/ fundamentals involved in the chapter.
Feedback - the CD provide immediate result along with topic-wise feedback and reports with absolute and relative ranking (only after connecting to the internet).
Remedial Measures - the CD provides remedial references in the book (relevant page numbers of the concepts and problems to understand the question) for each question of the tests.
In each chapter, a large number of examples along with numerous methods of analysis and short-cuts have been given in a systematic manner to assist the students to understand the concepts of the subject.
Assessment through the CD is followed by the feedback which helps the student in identifying the strong and weak areas.
The remedial measures will take him back to the relevant concepts and problems in the book where he can further improve his learning.
The book has been designed in such a manner that it will be 100% useful for CBSE Board, JEE Main (the erstwhile AIEEE exam) and JEE Advanced (the erstwhile IIT-JEE exam). The strength of the book is its flawless theory which is missing in most of the other books.
The theory has been dealt in great depth with discussion of a huge number of Solved Examples (depicting various cases possible in numerical problems) with near to real-life diagrams so as to provide 100% conceptual clarity to the students.
At the end of the theoretical portion of each chapter a quick Review of Formulae and Important Points, which the students must always remember, has been provided .
The book has been enriched with inclusion of a number of latest and new problems in 6 variety of exercises, be it Multiple Choice Questions, More than one correct, Statement Questions, Passage and Matrix type Questions, Subjective Integer Type Questions, Subjective Questions.

The various questions covered are:

Solved Example Discussions
MCQ 1 Correct Questions
MCQ more than 1 correct Questions
Assertion Reason type Questions
Multiple Matching Questions
Passage based Questions
Integer Answer Questions
Subjective Questions

Finally the book provides hints and solutions to each and every problem of the book. All the 6 exercises have been fully solved.

Table of Contents:

Mathematics Used in Physics
Units, Dimension, Error and Instruments
Motion in 1D
Motion in 2D and Constraint Relations
Laws of motion and Equilibrium
Circular Motion
Work, Energy and Power
Collision and Centre of Mass
GravitationISBN - 9789384089153

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