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  Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health

Oxford Textbook Of Global Public Health

by Rogers Detels, Martin Gulliford, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Chorh Chuan Tan

  Price : Rs 16995.00
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  The Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health is the ultimate resource on the subject of public health and epidemiology. The sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated, offering a global and comprehensive perspective on wide-ranging public health needs and priorities in modern health care.

The sixth edition, available both in print and online, retains its approach of dividing the complex, dynamic subject of public health into three topics. `The Scope of Public Health` discusses the development of the discipline, determinants of health and disease, public health policies, and law and ethics. Next, the textbook focuses on `The Methods of Public Health,` including the main science behind the discipline - epidemiology. Finally, `The Practice of Public Health` examines specific public health problems and the options for prevention and control. As well as identifying these issues by system or disease, there is also an awareness of the unique needs of particular population groups.

New topics in this edition include: Climate change, genetic testing and epidemiology; new methods for measuring the burden of disease; life course approaches to epidemiology, behavioural economics; and physical activity, health and wellbeing.

Two new editors, Quarraisha Abdool Karim (South Africa) and Chorh Chuan Tan (Singapore), join the established editor team of Roger Detels (USA), and Martin Gulliford (UK), representing a truly global outlook. The contributors are experts who have been drawn from around the world, offering perspectives from vastly different health systems with ranging public health needs and priorities.

The Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health remains the most comprehensive, accessible text in the field, and is an essential reference for students and practitioners in public health and epidemiology.

ISBN - 9780199661756

Pages : 1854
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