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  CSAT IAS Prelims 101 Speed Tests Practice Workbook with 10 Practice Sets - Paper 2

Csat Ias Prelims 101 Speed Tests Practice Workbook With 10 Practice Sets - Paper 2

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 380.00
  Your Price : Rs 323.00
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  If you do well in this book success is guaranteed in the upcoming CSAT exam. Yes it`s true. If you can do well in this book you will crack the CSAT Exam for sure. The book is the 1st and the Most Innovative Book for the CSAT exam. Since things are well structured and executed. It gives you a proper channel for preparing and guiding you to do things as per these 101 tests. It contains questions on the most important issues which are required to crack the CSAT exam. The questions are covered in the form of 101 speed tests. No matter where you prepare from, a coaching or any textbook or Guide - 101 speed tests provides you the right assessment on each topic. Your performance provides you the right cues to improve your knowledge in the various topics so as to perform better in the final examination. It is to be noted here that these are not mere tests but act as a checklist of student`s learning and ability to apply concepts to different problems. The book contains 82 Topical Tests + 9 sectional tests + 10 Full length Practice Tests. The complete CSAT paper 2 syllabus has been divided into 9 broad sections which are further divided into 82 topics. The book aims at improving your speed followed by strike rate which will eventually lead to improving your score.

How is this product different?

1st unique product with 101 speed tests.
Each test is based on small topics which are most important for the CSAT exam. Each test contains around 20-25 MCQs (on the latest pattern of the exam) depending upon its importance for the exam
The various types of questions covered are Statement based, Matching based, Sequencing of events and Feature based MCQs
The whole syllabus has been divided into 9 sections which are further distributed into 82 topics.
Interpersonal, Communication skills & Decision making is distributed into 7 topics
Mental ability is distributed into 8 topics
Logical Reasoning is distributed into 15 topics
Basic Numeracy is distributed into 21 topics
Analytical Ability is distributed into 5 topics
Problem Solving is distributed into 7 topics
Logical comprehension is distributed into 10 topics
English Language Comprehension is distributed into 9 topics
Data interpretation and Data Sufficient Section is distributed into 9 topics
In the end of each section a Sectional Test is provided so as to sum up the whole section. So 1 sectional Test for each of the 9 sections
Finally at the end 10 full tests are provided so as to give the candidates the real feel of the final exam. The Full Test contains 100 questions as per the latest pattern
In all, the book contains 2800+ Quality MCQ`s in the form of 101 tests
Solutions to each of the 101 tests are provided at the end of the book
Separate Time Limit, Maximum Marks, Cut-off, Qualifying Score is provided for each test
The book also provides a separate sheet, score tracker where you can keep a record of your scores and performance
It is advised that the students should take each test very seriously and must attempt only after they have prepared that topic
Once taken a test, the candidates must spend time in analysing their performance which will provide you the right cues to improve the concepts so as to perform better in the final examination
It is our strong belief that if an aspirant works hard on the cues provided through each of the tests he or she can improve his or her learning and finally the score by at least 20 percent

Table of Contents:

Section 1: Interpersonal, Communication skills & Decision making

Interpersonal skills & Communication skills based on personal life
Interpersonal skills & Communication skills based on professional life
Dealing with administration and authority
Dealing with lower level when you are a authority
Situation reaction test
Administrative courses of action
Interpersonal, Communication skills & Decision making Section test

Section 2: Mental ability

Number Series
Alphabetical series
Mixed series
Coding decoding
Mathematical operations
Mental ability section test

Section 3: Logical Reasoning

Blood relations
Directions and distance
Ranking test
Word formation
Number puzzle
Logical venn diagram
Logical deduction/drawing conclusion
Arithmetic Reasoning
Cube and dices
Counting of figures
Visual reasoning
Non verbal series
Verbal reasoning
Logical reasoning section test

Section 4: Basic Numeracy

Number System
Algebric expression and inequalities
Profit and loss, discount
Ratio proportion
Mixtures and alligations
Chain rule
Time and work, Wages
Pipes and cisterns
Distance, Speed and time
Boats and streams
Clock and calender
Permutation and combinations
Area and volume
Basic numeracy section test

Section 5: Analytical Ability

Statement and assumptions
Statement and arguments
Statement and conclusions
Assertion and Reason
Analytical ability section test

Section 6: Problem Solving

Circular Seating arrangments
Seating arrangments based on row
Reasoning based on Rankings
Team Formations
Puzzle Test based on blood relations
Problem solving section test

Section 7: Logical comprehension

Evaluating Inferences
Critical reasoning - I
Critical reasoning - II
General comprehension - I
General comprehension - II
General comprehension - III
General comprehension - IV
General comprehension - V
General comprehension - VI
Logical comprehension section test

Section 8: Data interpretation and Data Sufficient Section

Charts and graphs-I
Charts and graphs-II
Data interpretation based on bar graphs
Data interpretation based on line graphs
Data interpretation based on pie graphs
Data interpretation based on tables
Mixed DI
Data sufficiency
Data interpretation and Data Sufficient Section test

Section 9: English Language Comprehension

Analytical based Comprehension -1
Analytical based Comprehension -2
Discursive based Comprehension -1
Discursive based Comprehension -2
Argumentative based Comprehension-1
Argumentative based Comprehension -2
Descriptive or Narative based Comprehension-1
Descriptive/Narative based Comprehension-2
English language comprehension section test

10 Practice Sets

Practice Set 1
Practice Set 2
Practice Set 3
Practice Set 4
Practice Set 5
Practice Set 6
Practice Set 7
Practice Set 8
Practice Set 9
Practice Set 10ISBN - 9789384089603

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