New Pattern Organic Chemistry For JEE Main JEE Advanced is a book on Organic chemistry that is designed for aspirants of the India`s premier engineering entrance exam, the JEE. The JEE-Main exam is to get admission into IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology), National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and CFTIs (Central Funded Technical Institutes), etc. and the JEE-Advanced is for admission into Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad.
New Pattern Organic Chemistry For JEE Main Advanced has 23 chapters in total. The book covers Classification, Stereochemistry, Classification Nomenclature, General organic chemistry, Reactions their mechanisms, Hydrocarbons Alkanes, Alkynes, Alkenes; Haloarenes Halo alkanes, Alcohols, Phenols, Alcohols, Ethers, Carboxylic acids their derivatives, Aldehydes Ketones, Biomolecules, Amines, Practical Organic Compounds and Polymers.
The book focuses more on clarifying concepts. in the book in-chapter exercises follow the theory, 3 levels of exercises and illustrative examples. The first level of exercises are MCQ`s with a single correct answer, while the second level of exercises cover questions which are styled according to the new pattern of the JEE. The final level of exercises covers subjective questions of a high quality. The book was published by Disha Publication in 2014 and is available in paperback.ISBN - 9789384089108