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  Indian Railways Assistant Loco Pilot Exam 101 Speed Test Practice Workbook

Indian Railways Assistant Loco Pilot Exam 101 Speed Test Practice Workbook

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 148.75
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  Indian Railways Assistant Loco Pilot Exam 101 Speed Test Practice Workbook if you master this book success is guaranteed in the upcoming ssc cgl exam. Yes it`s true. If you can master this book you will crack the Assistant Loco Pilot Exam for sure. This is the 1st and the Most Innovative Book and makes you feel comfortable. Since things are well structured and executed. It gives you a proper platform for preparing and assessing yourself to uplift your performance as you move through the 101 Tests. The book contains questions on all the Important Concept which are required to crack this exam. The concepts are covered in the form of 101 Speed Tests. No matter where you Prepare from - a coaching or any textbook/Guide - 101 Speed Tests provides you the right Assessment on each topic. Your performance provides you the right cues to Improve your concepts so as to perform better in the final examination. It is to be noted here that these are not mere tests but act as a checklist of student’s learning and ability to apply concepts to different problems. The book is based on the concept of TRP - Test, Revise and Practice. It aims at improving your SPEED followed by STRIKE RATE which will eventually lead to improving your Score. How is this product different?

1st unique product with 101 speed tests - 90 Part Tests + 8 Sectional Tests + 3 Full Tests.
Each test is based on small topics which are most important for the Assistant Loco Pilot Exam. Each test contains around 20 MCQs (on the latest pattern of the exam) depending upon its importance for the exam.
The whole syllabus has been divided into 4 sections which are further distributed into 100 topics including the Topical and Sectional Tests.
Arithmetic is distributed into 16 Topical and 2 Sectional Tests.
General Intelligence & Reasoning is distributed into 15 Topical and 2 Sectional Tests.
General Science & Technical Ability is distributed into 35 Topical (Physics - 12; Chemistry - 13; Biology - 10) and 2 Sectional Tests.
General Awareness is distributed into 24 Topical and 2 Sectional Tests.
In the end of each section a Sectional Test is provided so as to sum up the whole section. So 1 sectional Test each for General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence & Reasoning and General Science & Technical Ability
Finally at the end 3 Full Tests (containing 120 questions each) are provided so as to give the candidates a real feel of the final exam.
In all, the book contains 2350+ Quality MCQ’s in the form of 101 tests.
Solutions to each of the 101 tests are provided at the end of the book.
Separate Time Limit, Maximum Marks, Cut-off, Qualifying Score is provided for each test.
The book also provides a separate sheet, SCORE TRACKER where you can keep a record of your scores and performance.
It is advised that the students should take each test very seriously and must attempt only after they have prepared that topic.
The General Awareness section has been updated latest Current Affairs.
Once taken a test the candidates must spend time in analysing their performance which will provide you the right cues to IMPROVE the concepts so as to perform better in the final examination.
It is our strong belief that if an aspirant works hard on the cues provided through each of the tests he/ she can improve his/ her learning and finally the SCORE by at least 20%.

Table of Contents:

Number system
Surds, Indices
Sqaure Roots and Cube Roots
Ratio & Proportion, Partnership
Average & Problem on ages
Profit & Loss
Time and Work
Pipes & Cisterns
Time, Speed & Distance
Boat and streams
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Arithemetic section test I
Arithemetic section test II

General Intelligence & Reasoning
Analogy I
Analogy II
Series I
Series II
Coding and decoding I
Coding and decoding II
Word formation
Blood relation
Clock & Calender
Logical venn diagram i
Logical venn diagram II
Non verbal reasoning
General Intelligence & Reasoning section test I
General Intelligence & Reasoning section test II

General science - Physics
Mechanics I
Mechanics II
Properties of matter
Ray optics
Wave optics
Current electricity
Alternating current(AC) & EMI (Electro magnetic induction)
Semiconductor electronics

Nature of Matter
Structure of atom
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
Chemical kinetics
Acids and bases
Neutralization and salts
Metals & non-metals
Air pollution
Water pollution
General Organic chemistry
Some important man-made materials

Cells and tissues
Plant physiology
Human physiology
Fundamental life process
Bio diversity & evolution
Animal pathology
Plant pathology
Improvement in food resources
Ecology & environment awareness
General science section test I
General science section test II

General awareness
Pre historic period
Indus valley civilization
The mauryan empire
The Gupta period
Early Medieval India
The Delhi Sultanate
The Mughal Empire
Advent of European
Indian freedom struggle
Constitutional framework and citizenship
Fundamental rights and duties
Union government
State government
Local government
Judiciary & miscellaneous
Indian economy
Physical geography
India geography
Largest, Tallest, Biggest, Smallest in India
World geography
Books and authors
Sports and games
Current affairs I
Current affairs II
General awareness section test I
General awareness section test II
Full test 1
Full test 2
Full test 3ISBN - 9789383379293

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