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Review Of Preventive & Social Medicine (Including Biostatistics) Free Dvd-Rom

by Jain,Vivek

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  Salient Features:
New NBE based pattern providing wider coverage, concept development, one-liner approach, value-based MCQs, and applied aspect MCQs
Theory chapters; topic-wise one-liner points; previous year MCQs are highlighted as "Q"
Facts and concepts are taken from latest edition of Park 22nd 2013; Leon Gordis Epidemiology 4th; Harrison 18th, CMDT 2014, and Mahajan Biostatiatics 7th
Key revision points and Must-know MCQ facts are given on side of each topic
Picture MCQs with Answers are provided according to "Recent Examinations"
Contains solved MCQs (PGMEEs 1985-2013) including ALL "Recent Questions" (2012, 2013)
Image based questions are given at the end of the book with full colour illustrations and photographs
Updated annexures and five sets of Golden Points for high-yield revision are provided
Incorporates recent topics and changing concepts in PSM, such as

HDI New calculation guidelines
New National Immunization Schedule
New Disinfection guidelines
Newer/ Emerging Diseases (including H7N9 Avian influenza)
New Malaria Treatment Guidelines 2013
New Disease control strategies (AMMRS)
New Cardiovascular risk indicators (Waist Height Ratio)
Changes in epidemiology of Cancer, Diabetes mellitus, Accidents and injuries
Newer Visual impairment guidelines
Changes in National Health Programs (NRHM, MDMP, JSSK, HNBC)
New National Health Programs (including NPCDCS)
New Health Legislations (including Pasco Act)
New Sterilization Guidelines 2013
New Semen analysis (WHO) guidelines
Twelfth Five Year Plan 2012-17

Other New Inclusions and Upcoming Topics include Triangle of Epidemiology and Advanced Model of Epidemiological Triangle, Health Promotion, Matrix of Levels of Prevention, Diluents, VVM in Vaccines, NEW Proposed Biomedical Waste Management Guidelines, 2011.

Table of Contents:
Section 1 : ANNEXURES Annexure 1: Incubation Period of Diseases
Annexure 2: Important Days of Public Health Importance
Annexure 3: Instruments of Importance in Public Health
Annexure 4: Mode(s) of Transmission of Diseases
Annexure 5: Some Important Health Legislations Passed in India
Annexure 6: Some Important Health Programmes of India
Annexure 7: Vectors and Diseases Transmitted
Annexure 8: New Tuberculosis Diagnosis (RNTCP) Guidelines in India (w.e.f. 01 April, 2009 onwards)
Annexure 9: National Population Policy (NPP) 2000
Annexure 10: National Health Policy (NHP) 2002
Annexure 11: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Annexure 12: New Malaria Treatment Guidelines in India (2013 onwards)
Annexure 13: Draft Guidelines: Biomedical Waste Management Guidelines 2011
Annexure 14: Golden Points (Sets 1- 5)
Annexure 15: Current Public Health Related Statistics of India
Annexure 16: Newer Concepts in Preventive and Social Medicine
Annexure 17: Honors in Health and Medicine
Section 2 : Topic-Wise Theory Mcqs and Explanations
Chapter 1: History of Medicine
Chapter 2: Concepts of Health and Disease
Chapter 3: Epidemiology and Vaccines
Chapter 4: Screening of Disease
Chapter 5: Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
Chapter 6: National Health Programmes, Policies and Legislations in India
Chapter 7: Demography, Family Planning and Contraception
Chapter 8: Preventive Obstetrics, Paediatrics and Geriatrics
Chapter 9: Nutrition and Health
Chapter 10: Social Sciences and Health
Chapter 11: Environment and Health
Chapter 12: Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Occupational Health, Genetics and Health, Mental Health
Chapter 13: Health Education and Communication
Chapter 14: Health Care in India, Health Planning and Management
Chapter 15: International Health
Chapter 16: BiostatisticsISBN - 9789351522331

Pages : 920
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