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  Grammar of Anarchy in Governance and Politics

Grammar Of Anarchy In Governance And Politics

by G. Ramachandra Reddy

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  Media and a section of intellectuals are agitated over Arvind Kejriwal`s fast as a path towards anarchy. It is only symbolic path. while the substance of anarchy lie in malgovernance of the state.// Democracy is not about the procedure of periodic elections, constitutional document, formal laws and institutions created by the constitution and laws. It is more about the system of governance which is fundamentally democratic.// Democracy also needs to be secular and free from dynastic politics. In India, 50 families control political parties and the operation of democracy.// Any constitutional document that outlines a blue print of democratic form of govemment needs to spell out probity in p : impartiality and integrity of its a as `republican values` and a mechanism to enforce accountability for breach of those values. Otherwise democratic republic will turn into banana republic.// The significant aspect exercise of executive power in democracy by minister, council of ministers, cabinet is discussed as there is inadequacy in specifying the powers of elected political institutions vis-a-vis the unelected in the legal and constitutional documents. There is a good deal of ambiguity this aspect as well as in fixation of accountability // The cabinet system of government of West Minster`s model based on democratic conventions and traditions is amorphous in its working. Somnath Bharti`s failed attempt to check crime cartels throws up a challenge to the role of a minister in the enforcement of law.// The book detailed criminal law provisions in particular, where elected institutions have least power while under revenue and municipal laws. Art. 77 dealing with business rules of govemment govern the role of minister and the bureaucrat in decisions made. The media and intelligentia tend to blame political class for everything that goes wrong in the law enforcement though the first degree responsibility rests with the DM, police, executive magistrate and finally with the all powerful judiciary.// The Parliamentary democracies across the globe are threatened by street protests, some violent as the democratic process has been hijacked by the economic oligarchs and political kleptocrats. The co-relation between principle of democracy and economic justice is being questioned. // Foreign policies of the West and indeed their democracies got highly militarised with a view to dominate the world and exploit natural resources.// Media too is coming under increasing strain and got weakened as a pillar of democracy. Mis-shaping views on domestic and international issues concerning war and peace by the media is not uncommon. The buzz words in our public discourse like "systems and accountability" are explained to the extent possible. // Art. 254 of Constitution requiring approval of state legislature bills by the union government is anti-federal in character and therefore needs to be deleted.//Swatch Bharat is not a symbolic act of sweeping garbage on streets. The substance of the idea has been expressed by me in an article figuring at P.165-169 of the book. Simultaneously an assault needs to be mounted on massive duty evasion by public officials at all levels in administration, curbing corruption and wrongful commissions included by the government lead by Mr. Narendra Modi in order to bring semblance of order in governance. Slowpace of developmental works reflects poorly on governance Crimes committed by policemen and army personnel (not associated in the discharge of duties) need special attention, annual review and deterrent action.

ISBN - 9788183877114

Pages : 287
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