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  Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step

Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step By Step

by Sharp

  Price : Rs 895.00
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Expand your expertise-and teach yourself the fundamentals of Microsoft Visual C# 2013. If you have previous programming experience but are new to Visual C# 2013, this tutorial delivers the step-by-step guidance and coding exercises you need to master core topics and techniques.

Discover how to:

Create and debug C# applications in Visual Studio 2013
Work with variables, identifiers, statements, operators and methods
Create interfaces and define abstract classes
Write robust code that can catch and handle exceptions
Display and edit data using data binding with the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework
Respond to user input and touch screen gestures
Handle events arising from multiple sources
Develop your first Windows 8.1 apps

Table of Contents:

Part I: Introducing Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

Chapter1: Welcome to C#
Chapter 2: Working with variables, operators and expressions
Chapter 3: Writing methods and applying scope
Chapter 4: Using decision statements
Chapter 5: Using compound assignment and iteration statements
Chapter 6: Managing errors and exceptions

Part II: Understanding the C# Object Model

Chapter 7: Creating and managing classes and objects
Chapter 8: Understanding values and references
Chapter 9: Creating value types and with enumerations and structures
Chapter 10: Using arrays
Chapter 11: Understanding parameter arrays
Chapter 12: Working with inheritance
Chapter 13: Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes
Chapter 14: Using garbage collection and resource management

Part III: Defining Extensible Types with C#

Chapter 15: Implementing properties to access fields
Chapter 16: Using indexers
Chapter 17: Introducing generics
Chapter 18: Using collections
Chapter 19: Enumerating collections
Chapter 20: Decoupling application logic and handling events
Chapter 21: Querying in-memory data by using query expressions
Chapter 22: Operators overloading

Part IV: Building Professional Windows 8.1 Applications with C#

Chapter 23: Improving throughput by using taks
Chapter 24: Improving response time by performing asynchronous operations
Chapter 25: Implementing the user interface for a Windows Store app
Chapter 26: Displaying and searching for data in a Windows Store app
Chapter 27: Accessing a remote database from a Windows Store app
IndexISBN - 9788120349551

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