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  By losing you I found much I needed you

By Losing You I Found Much I Needed You

by Dr.Rachit Bhushan

  Price : Rs 140.00
  Your Price : Rs 126.00
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  Life began with toys and there were moment full of joys. Tearsrolled down my eyes when I parted from my school. Life showereddifferent colours on me. When I learnt to hold compass andprotractor, questions bombarded on me were ENGINEER OR DOCTOR?Nobody realized I was immature and was just a teen. Society had`yeh dil maange more` attitude. Chemistry seemed to be a mystery; physics was like a gimmickand bio added to the trio. Mind lost its fuse and brain alwaysstayed confused. When I dreamt of fun and games, questions came upwere IIT OR AIIMS? Be it known or unknown, all had expectations oftheir own. I had my own dreams but it faded among expectations andscreams. I joined as a doctor and parted from my parents to make myown identity. With time, girls attracted and studies distracted mefrom my goal. When I met my first crush, alone I used to blush. Oneday someone walked into my life, who for me used to care,with meher life she used to share,it was then that I realized she hadfeelings for me such that I couldn`t stop myself from saying "ILove You So Much" It is a story which travels through dangers, its somethingunique as its about two strangers. It is about a girl very sweetwhom every heart wanted to meet and a guy who was just simple andshy. For each other they used to care and everything happening intheir lives with each other they used to share. But then whathappened ahead is a mystery--did their feelings blend or dideverything came to an end? It is a common man`s story that was madeuncommon. Hope it will touch your hearts and make you feel that"yes it has happened with me too. Some stories end never and I amsure if you read mine, it will stay in your hearts forever. About the Author Meet a young doctor from Ranchi who writes much more thanprescriptions. Rachit Bhushan the alumnus of St Thomas School who completedhis MBBS and now works at the cardiac surgery unit of RanchisApollo Hospital, is already popular in cyberspace for By Losing YouI Found How Much I Neede ISBN - 9788192480923

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