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India`S Children: Essays On Social Policy

by Rustagi, Subrahmanian, Shiva Kumar

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  Children are individuals born with indivisible and inalienable human rights. They belong to families and communities that need to have access to appropriate resources, services and capacities required to ensure realization of these rights. The rights of parents and care-givers are therefore closely intertwined with the rights of children.
Childhood is a period of tremendous biological, psychological and social development. Enabling all children to realize their full creative potential is critical for sustaining India`s economic growth and accelerating human development. However, India`s social policies are yet to deliver on the promise of quality education, health, nutrition and protection for all. Future social policies therefore need to be built on evidence-based platforms that pay particular attention to children`s experiences of poverty and vulnerability, which are multidimensional and distinct from those of adults.
Bringing together a multidisciplinary set of essays, this volume advocates child-centred social policies that focus on the specific requirements of both children as well as those of the families, communities and societies in which they live.

Salient Features
Provides a knowledge base through child focused research and documentation
Fills a void in the Indian research publications sphere of addressing social policy concerns from the perspective of children
The debates elucidated in the different papers promise a valuable addition to the research and academic world

Table of Contents:
List of Tables and Figures
Foreword by Louis-Georges Arsenault
List of Abbreviations
Child Rights, Equity and Social Policy: An Introduction Ramya Subrahmanian, A.K. Shiva Kumar and Preet Rustagi
Part I: Measuring Poverty and Deprivations from Children`s Perspective

1. Recognizing Child Well-being: The Need for a Double Paradigm Shift Ashwani Saith and Rekha Wazir
2. Child Well-being and Deprivations in India Preet Rustagi, Sunil Kumar Mishra and Balwant Singh Mehta
3. Economic Status and Child Deprivation: Findings from Village Surveys Madhura Swaminathan and Venkatesh Athreya
4. Demographic Transition, School Attendance and Changing Activity Structure in Urban India Amitabh Kundu and P.C. Mohanan

Part II: Macro Context and Policy Spaces

5. Achievements and Challenges in Legal Protection for Child Rights Asha Bajpai
6. Rising Food Prices and the Global Financial Crisis: Tracking Impacts on Women and Children S. Mahendra Dev
7. The Tryst Compromised: India`s Fiscal Policy and Its Impact on Children Praveen Jha and Subrat Das

Part III: Gender, Family and Marriage

8. Adverse Child Sex Ratios and Gender Discrimination: Challenges for Law and Policy Mary E. John
9. Delaying Age of Marriage: Social Norms and Policies Priya Nanda and Sonvi A. Khanna
10. Parent-Child Communication and Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and K.G. Santhya
11. Universal Day-care Services: Meeting the Intersecting Needs and Rights of Women and Children Neeta Misra and Ramya Subrahmanian
12. Conditional Cash Transfers for the Welfare of the Girl Child: The Indian Experience T.V. Sekher

Part IV: Social Exclusion and Human Development

13. Engaging with Caste: Academic Discourses, Identity Politics and State Policy Surinder S. Jodhka
14. Assessing the Inclusiveness of Government Flagship Programmes: The Case of National Rural Health Mission Kaveri Gill
15. Caste and Social Exclusion: Concept, Indicators and Measurement Sukhadeo Thorat and Nidhi Sadana Sabharwal
16. The Political Economy of Development and Adivasi Children and Society Virginius Xaxa
17. Literacies and Power: Looking for Adivasi Voice in Education Shivali Tukdeo
18. Addressing Deprivations of Scheduled Tribe Children: A Perspective from Odisha Soumya Kapoor Mehta

About the Editors and Contributors ISBN - 9780199455287

Pages : 520
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