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  Plant taxonomy past present and future

Plant Taxonomy Past Present And Future

by Rajni Gupta, Rajni Gupta

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Plant Taxonomy: past, present, and future contains various contributions from stalwarts in the field of plant taxonomy, which focus on different aspects of this field. Each contribution has been written based on thorough research, and includes recent developments such as molecular taxonomy and barcoding. Interesting aspects of naming plants, speciation, molecular aspects of plant identification, and e-flora have been dealt with in an elaborate manner. In addition, a chapter is dedicated to the genesis of botanical names and the meaning of the names of plants found in Delhi.

This book is a Festschrift brought out in honour of Dr Prithipalsingh on his 65th birthday for his dedication and devotion to this subject for almost 40 years.

Key Features:
Essays on different aspects of plant taxonomy
Focus on the meaning of Latin names of plants in simplified terms
Extensive coverage of folklore taxonomy and its importance for understanding intellectual property
Comprehensive discussion on molecular taxonomy and barcoding of plants
Unique coverage on the future of floristic documentation e-flora

Contents: ??
Ethnobotanical Noah s Ark
Plant nomenclature: an overview
Plants of Delhi: Scientific Names and their Meaning ??
Species and Speciation Modern Tools for identification of Plants
Plant Taxonomy in Plant Genetic Resource Management ??
Indigenous Knowledge of Plants and Biopiracy in India
Herbaria and Data Information Systems in Plant Taxonomy ??
Phylogenetic Systematics
Plant Anatomy in Relation to Taxonomy
Cytotaxonomy and its Evolution of Orchidaceae and Cyperaceae
Palynology: Timeline
Role of Molecular Markers in Evaluation of Plant diversity
E-flora: the Future of Floristic DocumentationISBN - 9788179933596

Pages : 376
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