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  Project Management, 2nd ed. •

Project Management, 2Nd Ed. •

by Gupta

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 637.50
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The Second Edition of this comprehensive book, discusses the fundamental aspects of Project Management in a student-friendly manner. It deals with topics such as project life cycle, project selection, feasibility study and techniques like PERT and CPM for project control. Various methods such as Hiller model, sensitivity analysis and simulations are described with hypothetical numerical examples to evaluate risk.

A new chapter on International Aspects of Project Management is added to provide the knowledge of project management at international level. Several new case studies have also been added to provide better learning of the various concepts of the subject. Besides these, most of the chapters have been updated with new figures and more practical problems.

Primarily designed for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of management and engineering (industrial and civil engineering), the book will be equally useful to the practicing professionals of project management.

Key Features:

Includes algorithms for crashing and resource leveling.

Provides a new method for determining marketing feasibility.

Describes quantitative methodology for evaluating risk.

Table of Contents:



Project Life Cycle and Its Classification

Project Management Process and Project Selection

Technical Feasibility

Market Potential Analysis

Financial Projections

Project Financing

Financial Analysis

Risk Analysis in Single and Multiple Projects

Project Control through Networks

Probabilistic Models of Networks

Time-Cost Relationship and Resource Levelling

Economic and Social Cost Benefit Analysis

Human Aspects in Project Management

Project Information System and Monitoring

International Project Management

Appendix A: The Standard Normal Probability Distribution

Appendix B: Financial Tables


IndexISBN - 9788120349407

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