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  Business Environment: Indian and Global Perspective •

Business Environment: Indian And Global Perspective •

by Ahmed & Alam

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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Designed primarily as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of management and commerce, this comprehensive and well-organized book equips the readers with the knowledge to analyze the domestic and global business environment. The focus of the book is on the assessment of the evolving business scenario using analytical underpinnings and latest data. This book clearly brings out the implications of changes in socio-economic and legal environment of business and covers business environment by tracking changes in national income, inflation, fiscal deficit, money supply, exchange rate, balance of payment and many other economic variables. Besides, it briefs on legal aspects, deliberates on demographic changes and changes in technical and natural environment of business. Besides students, practicing managers and policy makers will also find the book as a useful reference.

Key Features:

Illustrations using latest data (upto June 2013)
Boxes containing numerical illustrations and technical details
Cases depicting Indian Business Environment and providing glimpses of evolving global business environment
Review questions, numerical problems and case analysis

Companion Website: This text is supported by the companion website containing useful resources for the teachers and study aids for the students. Instructors` Resources: To support the teaching efforts the website contains-Answers to the end of the chapter Numerical Problems with explanation, more than 1000 crisp, clear and colorful PowerPoint Slides and more than 1000 Multiple Choice Questions. Students` Resources: To strengthen the understanding of the students on the subject the website resources comprise-Interactive Multiple Choice Questions and hints for solving chapter-end Numerical Problems.

Table of Contents:


Business Environment and Its Constituents
Economic System: Planning and Market
Economic Structure and Stages of Development
Business Cycles and Fluctuations
National Income: Measurement and Environment Scanning
Poverty, Growth and Inclusive Growth
Inflation and Business Environment
Fiscal Policy and Environment
Financial System, Crisis and Reforms
Monetary Policy and Economic Environment
Industrial Structure, Policy and Business Environment
Balance of Payment: Accounting, Adjustments and Imbalances
Trade Flows, International Linkages and External Environment
Capital Flows, Growth and Macroeconomic Instability
Exchange Rate Regimes and Currency Convertibility
Legal Environment of Business
Demographic Environment of Business
Technological Environment
Natural Environment and Business Sustainability

IndexISBN - 9788120350229

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