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  50 Faqs on Waste Management

50 Faqs On Waste Management

by Harish Algappa

  Price : Rs 125.00
  Your Price : Rs 112.50
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  Where does the garbage from our homes land up? What is e-waste? Why is plastic dangerous? How is waste generation linked to global warming? What is zero waste philosophy? How much waste is produced in India every year? What can you do to bring down waste generation? Know the answers to these, and 43 more frequently asked questions, on waste and its management, its various aspects, and impacts. Other titles in this series: 50 FAQs on Air Pollution (ISBN: 9788179934531) 50 FAQs on Climate Change (ISBN: 9788179935392) 50 FAQS on Global Warming (ISBN: 9788179934524) 50 FAQs on Renewable Energy (ISBN: 9788179935415) 50 FAQs on Water Pollution (ISBN: 9788179934593) Contents: Types of waste Waste segregation Waste management in ancient times Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste Sustainable waste management Aerobic and anaerobic digestion Garbage from homes Landfills Impact of landfills Sanitary landfills Municipal solid waste Health impacts of MSW Annual MSW generation in India Ways to manage MSW Tackling the problem of plastic Laws dealing with hazardous and biomedical waste Dangers associated with plastic Tackling the problem of plastic Biomedical waste Hazardous waste and its impacts Disposing of hazardous waste Indian laws on hazardous and biomedical waste International agreements on hazardous waste Basel Convention Industrial waste Impacts of industrial waste E-waste Annual e-waste generation in India Toxic elements in electronics Handling and disposing of e-waste E-waste related initiatives in India Indian laws on e-waste Composting and its benefits Vermicomposting Sewage and its components Ways of treating sewage Paris underground sewage system Role of scrap collectors in waste management WTE WTE facilities in India Gobar gas and its uses Syngas and its uses Problems associated with improper waste management Waste hierarchy Great Pacific Garbage Patch E-waste generation and global warming Ecodesign approach Paperless office Zero waste philosophy Bringing down waste generationISBN - 9788179935408

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