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  Sankara Nethralaya`s Atlas of Imaging in Ophthalmology

Sankara Nethralaya`S Atlas Of Imaging In Ophthalmology

by Ambika Selvakumar

  Price : Rs 14995.00
  Your Price : Rs 11996.00
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  This book aims to cover important aspects of Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of various ophthalmic diseases.
Extensive collection of CT and MRI images of various ocular, orbital and neuro-ophthalmic disorders.
Deals with most of the neurological diseases with ophthalmic manifestations with vivid portrayal of their imaging characteristics.
Covers recent advances in imaging, particularly in the techniques and hardware of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Deals with imaging aspects of Ophthalmology.
Includes enormous data and collection of images of various common relatively rare clinical conditions.
Diseases are explained step-by-step by its Diagnostic Techniques, Clinical Features, Radiological Features, Differential Diagnosis, MR Imaging and Neuroimaging, etc. for better understanding.
A good guide to all practicing ophthalmologists, neurologists and radiologists in their day-to-day practice.
Great source of reference for undergraduates, ophthalmology, radiology and neurology postgraduates.

Table of Contents:

Section: Physical Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Physical Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Section: The Eye

Imaging Anatomy of the Eye
Congenital Anomalies of the Globe
Inflammatory Lesions of the Eye
Intraocular Neoplasms
Leukocoria: Lesions Simulating Retinoblastoma
Detachment of Retina, Choroid and Vitreous
Intraocular Calcification
Ocular Trauma
Postoperative Evaluation of Eye and Orbit

Section: Disorders of Orbit

Imaging Anatomy of the Orbit
Congenital Lesions of the Orbit
Infective Lesions
Inflammatory Lesions
Vascular Lesions of the Orbit
Pediatric Malignant Orbital Tumors
Lymph proliferative Disorders
Histolytic Lesions
Lacrimal Gland Lesions
Neurogenic Tumors
Fibrous Lesions
Secondary Orbital Tumors and Paraorbital Lesions
Thyroid Eye Disease
Orbital Metastases
Orbital Trauma

Section: Visual Pathway Lesions: Optic Nerve Disorders

Anatomy and Clinical Features
Congenital Optic Nerve Anomalies
Optic Neuritis
Infiltrative Optic Neuropathy
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
Radiation Optic Neuropathy

Section: Disorders of Chiasm

Anatomy and Clinical Features
Chiasmal Disorders in Pediatric: Young Adult
Chiasmal Disorders in Middle Age: Elderly
Chiasmal Disorders: No Age Predilection

Section: Retrochiasmal Visual Pathway Lesions

Anatomy and Clinical Features of the Retrochiasmal Visual Pathway
Congenital Lesions
Vascular Lesions
Intracranial Neoplasms

Section: Efferent Pathway Lesions

Ocular Motility Disorders
Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Supranuclear: Gaze Palsy
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy

Section: Demyelination

Primary Demyelination
Secondary Demyelination

Section: Phacomatosis

Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Tuberous Sclerosis
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Wyburn-Mason Syndrome

Section: Applications of Interventional Radiology in Ophthalmology

Neurovascular Diseases in Ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Management
IndexISBN - 9788184489002

Pages : 762
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