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  Beyond Einstein and E=mc2

Beyond Einstein And E=Mc2

by Ajay Sharma

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  The origin of E = mc2 may be understood since days of Newton but qualitatively. If Einstein’s September 1905 paper is critically analyzed (with different values of variables) then the feasible result is ‘when light energy is emitted by a luminous body its mass must increase’, which is a contradiction. The perpetual energy machine is not possible. The reason is that Einstein derived light energy-mass interconversion equation (L = mc2) under special conditions of variables only. Then E = mc2 was speculated from L= mc2, without any logic (by replacing light energy L by every energy E). There are many observations in existing physics which can be explained with help of E =Ac2m. The Big Bang theory of origin universe postulates the universe started its life from explosion of ‘a singular atom’. Does E = Ac2m explain how ‘the singular atom’ was created and exploded?

In this Book:

• Einstein derived ?L = ?mc2 for newton’s perception; and its historical aspects

• Contradictions in Einstein’s derivation of ?L = ?mc2

• Derivation of generalized form of mass energy equation, ?E = ?Ac2?m

• Applications of equation, ?E = Ac2?m in understanding, the origin of universe

• Applications of generalized mass-energy inter-conversion equation in nuclear physics and nuclear reactors

• Rest mass energy Erme = Mrmec2 is derived from the non-existent equation

• Frequently asked question based on previous chapters



1. Einstein derived ?L = ?mc2 for Newton’s perception; and its historical aspects

Part I

Einstein put forth five types of energies • Mass-energy inter-conversion before Einstein • Pioneers in the field of mass-energy inter-conversion • What was in Einstein’s mind while deriving ?L = ?mc2

Part II

Existing experimental observations where ?E = ?mc2 is not verified • Interpretation of Nobel Lecture: Cockcroft and Walton experiment does not confirm ?E = ?mc2 • Secrets of first atomic explosions. Why not declassified before 1965? • Particle of smaller mass than predicted by ?E = ?mc2 • Kinetic energy of nuclear fission fragments found to be less than ?E = ?mc2. The total kinetic energy (TKE) of fission fragments of U235 or PU239 is 20-60 MeV is found to be less than predicted by ?E = ?mc2 • Why ?E = ?mc2 is not confirmed by the oldest established chemical reactions?
Part III

How Einstein derived ?L = ?mc2 and speculated ?E = ?mc2? How it is true under handpicked conditions? • Equation of mass energy inter-conversion for velocities under classical conditions. • Equation of mass energy inter-conversion for all velocities • How Einstein obtained ?L = ?mc2 from eq. (1.23)? • The term (5.55xI0-26, v = 0.01 cm/s) is also neglected. • Typical comments regarding classical region of velocity (not given by Einstein) • Appearance of c2 in ?L = ?mc2 is apparently arbitrary • Kinetic energy when all terms are considered (under condition v<Part IV

Mass energy equation after Einstein’s work • Generalized form of mass energy equation, ?E = Ac2?m • General discussion • Work of predecessors • Einstein and priority in science • Einstein’s unreferenced papers • Conclusions • References • Appendix I • Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content? • Appendix II • Newton’s Second law of motion • Useful terms in the Principia to understand Second law of motion • In the Principia F = ma was not derived • F = k(v-u) is equation for second law as given in the Principia • Euler derived for first time in 1750 • Definition on the basis of Euler’s equation (F = ma) • Conclusions • References

2. Contradictions in Einstein’s derivation of ?L = ?mc2

Part I

Some laws of physics have changed with concepts and technology • Law is established after passing many stages • Szilard proposed nuclear chain reaction, like chemical chain reaction, apparently ?E = ?mc2 was not inspiration. • Conservation law

Part lI

Genuine cases neglected in Einstein’s derivation • The calculations of recoil velocity • Calculations of recoil velocity in system (x , y , z) using conservation of momentum

Part III

When energy of light wave is emitted is increased from 0.5L to 0.500001L (difference of 0.0000001L). Similarly the energy second wave of energy of 0.5L decreased to 0.499999L. Then Einstein’s derivation predicts that mass and energy both increase simultaneously out of cipher • If the direction (angles) of waves is exchanged (than the previous case) then results from Einstein’s derivation are entirely different, i.e. self contradictory results are produced. • In the derivation Einstein used eq.(2.2) for relativistic variation of light energy, which was given in the previous paper [28]. But this equation is only meant for light energy not at all for other energies; hence any deduction from it must be applicable for light energy only • If the measuring system is at rest (v = 0), then Einstein’s derivation L = ?mc2 is not applicable. v can also zero if system (x, y, z) and system (? , ? , ?) move with same velocity in the same direction. The derivation L = ?mc2 is derivable if system (x, y, z) and system (? , ? , ?) move in opposite directions. Thus the condition of derivation is that relative velocity is non-zero • When angle changes by trivial amount by +0.01° in Einstein’s derivation, then Einstein’s derivation implies that both mass and energy are created out of nothing. Thus perpetual energy machine is possible, according to Einstein’s derivation • When angle changes by trivial amount by -0.02°, in Einstein’s derivation, then derivation implies that both mass and energy are created out of nothing. Thus perpetual energy machine is possible, according to Einstein’s derivation • When angle changes by trivial amount by +0.001°, then decrease in mass is less than predicted by Einstein • Einstein’s derivation is not valid for relativistic velocity in this case both mass increases and decreases simultaneously • When only one wave is emitted at angle F = 90°, then we get same result as in case of Einstein’s original derivation. Einstein did not discuss this case in September 1905 paper • In case one wave is emitted then Einstein’s derivation only holds good if angle is other than 90°(say = 89.999°) In this case difference between angles is 0.001° • When two waves are emitted identically as in Einstein’s case. Only difference is that in this case one angle is regarded as 0.9999° instead of 0°. The other angle remains 180° and other parameters remain the same • Einstein’s derivation also predicts when light energy is emitted the mass remains the same • In Einstein’s derivation the mass of the luminous body may increase, decrease or remain the same when it emits Iight energy • Conclusion • Hidden aspects of Einstein’s equation for Doppler’s principle • Quasars, galaxies, heavenly bodies with red shift number 1.4 or higher (velocity equal or more than that of light). The most distant quasars have redshift more than 7 • References

3. Derivation of generalized form of mass energy equation, ?E = Ac2?m

Part I


Part II

Speculation of ?E = ?mc2 by Einstein • Speed of galaxies • S.T. Preston • Chemical reaction • Fine structure constant • Particle of lesser mass • Cherenkov radiation • Volcanic reactions • Total kinetic energy • Lesser energy when atom bombs exploded • dE a dm is justified by precise experiments • Relativistic mass in nuclear reactions • The Big Bang theory • Neutrinos with the speed greater than the speed of light • General remarks

Part III

Coefficients of proportionality are centuries old in science • Various coefficients of proportionality in literature
Part IV

Derivation of generalized mass energy equation ?E = Ac2?m • Special cases • Difference in energy and masses • Relative velocity of trains • Work done by the force of friction • The weight of body in fluids • Law of conservation of mass and ?E = Ac2?m • ?E = Ac2?m can be obtained by the method of dimensions • References • Appendix 1

4. Applications of equation ?E = Ac2?m in understanding the origin of universe

Part I

How the first particle of the universe was formed • Mass and energy of the universe

Part II

The Big Bang Theory of Universe, put forth by Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966) • Unanswered questions in the Big Bang Theory • How Aristotle’s cause and effect theory or perception is applicable? • The Steady State Theory

Part III

How the primeval atom or singular atom is formed? Or the primeval theory of universe? • Creation of mass on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • Creation of mass on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • How was the primeval atom formed? • Zeroan • Postulate of Primeval Theory of Universe • When time was measured in physics for first time? • Origin of the primeval theory of universe and Big Bang • The zeroans transformed to ‘primeval pulse of energy’ • The ‘primeval pulse of energy’ and mass • Inconsistent prediction to ?E = ?mc2 and mass of universe • Consistent prediction from ?E = Ac2?m
Part lV

Origin of Gravitation • Inter-conversion of energy or inter-transformation from one form to another • Annihilation of mass to gravitational energy • Formation of "primeval atom" or Lemaitre’s cosmic egg • Explosion of "primeval atom" or Lemaitre’s cosmic egg
Part V

Consistency of ?E = Ac2?m with astrophysical phenomena • Velocity of constituents of universe nearly at time of Big Bang • Annihilation of antimatter • Applications of Einstein’s ?E = ?mc2 • Applicability of generalized equation ?E = Ac2?m • Black holes • Formation of a black hole on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • How singularity is attained on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • Gamma ray bursts • ?E = ?mc2 and energy emitted by gamma ray bursts • ?E = Ac2?m and energy emitted by gamma ray bursts • Gamma ray bursts and extinction • Dark matter • An explanation for wimps on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • An explanation for MACHOS on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • Quasars • Energy emitted by quasars • Quick collapse of quasars in view of ?E = Ac2?m • Energy emitted by quasars on the basis of ?E = Ac2?m • References • Appendix I • Can the interval of Planck’s Epoch be reduced? • Planck’s time • Derivation of Planck’s time • Coefficients of proportionality are determined experimentally • References

5. Applications of generalized mass-energy inter-conversion equation in nuclear physics and nuclear reactors

Part I

Introduction • Physicists and chemists have different values of amu (hence energy) • Atomic mass unit in terms of Cl2 • Energy-releasing processes in nature • Chemical reactions • General reactions • Combustion of wood • Energy emitted in volcanic reactions

Part II

Nuclear reactions • Nuclear fission (divide and get energy) • Nuclear fusion (combine and get more energy) • The requirement of fusion is the fission • Cockcroft and Walton experiment does not confirm ?E = ?mc2 quantitatively. • The exact calculations should be performed in favour of ?E = ?mc2 not sample calculations • Did the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb explosions on Japan absolutely confirm ?E = ?mc2 • Discovery of a particle having mass less than predicted mass • Variation in measurement of c at different times
Part III

Universal equality of masses of protons and neutrons • Binding energy • Mass defect is decrease in masses of neutron and proton • Contradiction of universal equality of masses of nucleons (?m = 0, BE = 0) • According to ?E = ?mc2 the universal equality of masses of nucleons means instability of the deuteron • Importance of ?E = Ac2?m • The universal equality of masses of proton and neutron explained.
Part IV

Relativistic mass of secondary neutrons in fission of U235 • Nuclear fission is sustained under classical conditions of velocity of neutrons • When ?E = ?mc2 is not precisely obeyed in nuclear fission • Q-value and relativistic variation of mass in reaction • Effect of relativistic variation of mass when velocity v is comparable to c • When body emits energy while moving with relativistic velocity • Magnitude of Q-value • Difference in Q-value • Efficiency of nuclear reactions (or reactors) • References

6. Rest mass energy Erme = Mrmec2 is derived from the non-existent equation

Part I

The mathematical origin of energies • Classical form of kinetic energy

Part II

Derivation of the relativistic form of kinetic energy • Interpretation of eq.(6.20) in terms of kinetic energy and work

Part III

Physical interpretation of the relativistic form of kinetic energy • Physical interpretation of the relativistic form of work • Rest Mass energy does not follow from logical analysis of eq. (6.20) • In terms of kinetic energy • Rest mass energy is not obtained if eq. (6.20) is re-arranged • In terms of work done • Rest mass energy is not obtained if Einstein’s equation is re-written • Erest = Mrestc2 is not obtained • In terms of work done • Einstein’s speculation of Erest = Mrestc2 from Emotion = KE + Mrestc2 = Mmotionc2

Part IV

Einstein’s arbitrary way to obtain rest mass energy, Erest = Mrestc2
Part V

From zero to non-zero or output without input or nothing to everything. • Einstein put forth five types of energies • Erest = Mrestc2 does not imply mass Mrest is converted to energy • Logical and alternate way to obtain rest mass energy • How mass is annihilated to energy? • Einstein’s relativistic kinetic energy when force acts at some angle ? with displacement

Part VI

Einstein’s simplest case • Einstein’s equation of relativistic energy when ? is not 0° • In terms of work

Part VII

From the generalized form of relativistic KE to classical KE • No conclusions should be drawn from non-existent equations • Infinite energy is associated with infinitesimally small mass! • The reason why interpretation of eq. (6.62) is not justified • Second example, collisions in one and two dimensions • Third example, general interpretations • Equation of energy in terms of momentum

Appendix I • Some interesting conclusions can be drawn here on the basis of relativistic variation in mass, length contraction and time dilation • References

Appendix II • Principia’s first, second and third laws of motion: A critical analysis • Newton’s Principia and laws of motion • Analysis of definition of third law of motion • One-dimensional elastic collision and third law of motion • The striking of rubber ball on the wall • Striking of the cloth ball on the wall • Generalized form of the third law of motion • Equation for the coefficient of thermal conductivity • Firing of a bullet • The second law of motion • Prediction of undefined inertial mass from equation F = ma or m = F/a • References

7. Frequently asked question based on previous chapters

Chapter 1 Einstein derived ?L = ?mc2 for Newton’s perception; and its historical aspects • Chapter 2 Contradictions in Einstein’s derivation of ?L = ?mc2 • Chapter 3 Generalized form of the mass-energy inter-conversion equation ?E = Ac2?m • Chapter 4 Applications of equation ?E = Ac2?m in understanding the origin of universe • Chapter 5 Applications of generalized mass energy inter-conversion equation in nuclear physics and nuclear reactors • Chapter 6 Rest mass energy Erme = Mrmec2 is derived from a non-existent equation • American scientists in Manhattan Project

ISBN - 9788130930954

Pages : 544
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