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  Indian Design

Indian Design

by Daab

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1350.00
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  India is diverse, multilayered, and rich in traditions with a past still passing by. Today India is able to maintain a ritualistic link with the heritage of the skilled craftsmanship, the remarkable presence of the past and the modern building process used; a high quality building stone and other traditional materials. The contemporary Indian design of today would not have being able to exist without the traditional one; as it is distinguished from the autonomous traditions of its ancient Hindu and Buddhist past. This volume at hand, the opens up a new dialogue between tradition and innovation, between craftsmanship and design and bringing both together to form what is now the contemporary design of India. Paying close attention to climate, flora, light, space, and material, to create a crafted space that adds richer texture and allows it to adapt a deeper meaning into the space; focusing on the essential, minimalist by heart and mood by its soul, being more than an aesthetic tool, instead meaningful. Contemporary Indian design is then born out of its cultural influences of its time and place to become the reference of its own culture. As a result, creating a crafted environment that speaks of a journey in time and space.ISBN - 9783937718040

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