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  Practical Boiler Operation Engineering and Power Plant, 3rd ed.

Practical Boiler Operation Engineering And Power Plant, 3Rd Ed.

by Mallick

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 552.50
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This book, now in its third edition, is a comprehensive presentation of the fundamental aspects of various processes operated in a thermal power plant. The major thrust in the book is given on the hands-on procedure to deal with the normal and emergency situations during plant operation. Beginning from the fundamentals, the book explores the vast concepts of boilers and steam turbines along with their operation. Following a simple text format and easy-to-grasp language, the book explicates various real-life situation related topics involving commissioning, maintenance, control and instrumentation of a power plant. Dealing with all the latest coverage, the book is written to address the requirements of the undergraduate students of power plant engineering. Besides this, the text would also cater to the needs of those candidates who are preparing for Boiler Operation Engineers (BOE) Examination and the students of postgraduate diploma course in thermal power plant engineering.

Key Features:

Incorporates more than 500 self-test questions in chapter-end exercises to test the student`s grasp of the fundamental concepts.
Involves numerous well labelled diagrams throughout the book leading to easy learning.
Provides a separate question bank including several solved numerical problems that generally arise during the functioning of thermal power plants.

Table of Contents:

Heat Transfer Methods
Fuel and Combustion
Properties of Steam
Boiler Feedwater Chemistry
Introduction to Boiler
Fuel Handling System
Air Path
Feedwater Path
Steam Path
Flue Gas Path
Ash Handling System
Operation of Boiler
Pipes, Tubes and Fittings
Pipe Fittings and Ancillaries
Steam Turbine
Auxiliary System of Steam Turbine
Operation of Steam Turbine
Commissioning of Power Plant
Maintenance of Power Plant
Control and Instrumentation
Scope of Energy Conservation in Thermal Power Plant

Question Bank

Appendix 1: Unit Conversion

Appendix 2: Various Pipelines Used at Thermal Power Plant

Appendix 3: BOE Syllabus

IndexISBN - 9788120348554

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