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  Digital Design, 5e (Anna)

Digital Design, 5E (Anna)

by Mano

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 491.18
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  Digital Design, fifth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text on digital design. This book teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications.

Key Features:

Closely reflects the content of a foundation course in digital design and the mainstream technology of today`s digital systems - CMOS circuits
Presents a clear development of a design methodology using the Verilog HDL
Contains a smart sequence of topics to cater to different courses that adhere to traditional, manual-based, treatments of digital design, courses that treat design using an HDL and courses that are in transition between or blend the two approaches

New to this Edition

This edition of Digital Design uses the latest features of IEEE Standard 1364, but only insofar as they support the authors` pedagogical objectives The revisions and updates to the text include:
Addition of `Web Search Topics` at the end of each chapter to point students to additional subject matter available on the Web
Revision of approximately one-third of the problems at the end of the chapters
Streamlining of the discussion of Karnaugh-maps
Inclusion of an appendix introducing semiconductor technology

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers
Chapter 2: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
Chapter 3: Gate-Level Minimization
Chapter 4: Combinational Logic
Chapter 5: Synchronous Sequential Logic
Chapter 6: Registers and Counters
Chapter 7: Memory and Programmable Logic
Chapter 8: Design at the Register Transfer Level
Chapter 9: Asynchronous Sequential Logic
Chapter 10: Digital Integrated Circuits
Chapter 11: Laboratory Experiments with Standard ICs and FPGAs
Chapter 12: Standard Graphic Symbols


Answers to Selected ProblemsISBN - 9789332535763

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