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  Male Infertility Sperm Diagnosis, Management and Delivery

Male Infertility Sperm Diagnosis, Management And Delivery

by Jayant Mehta, Bryan Woodward

  Price : Rs 2495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1996.00
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  The book provides a comprehensive review of male infertility and the clinical and laboratory tools currently available for its treatment.
It highlights the significance of advances in assisted reproductive technology, including sperm preparation for insemination, the role of cryopreservation, techniques for obtaining sperm after retrograde ejaculation and the preparation of sperm from men who are infected with blood-borne viruses · Up-to-date reference values are highlighted.
Written and edited by leading experts in the field. ·Richly illustrated throughout the text. ·This is the key resource for clinicians and biomedical scientists who are trained in reproductive medicine, gynaecology, oncology, infertility and embryology.

Table of Contents:
1.Basic anatomy and physiology
2. Basic semen analysis
3. Reference values and reports
4. Culture media constituents
5. Gradients/swim-up
6. Sperm function tests (HOS test/vitality stains)
7. Vasectomy, immunology and ASAs
8. Causes and effects of poor semen quality
9. Treatment options for different semen analysis
10. Other factors to consider with sperm preparation for treatment
11. Preparing sperm from surgical retrieval
12. Preparing sperm from retro-ejaculation
13. Sperm cryobanking and oncology
14. Nurse led insemination programmes
15. New Developments
16. Sperm and legal aspects
17. Sex selection of spermISBN - 9781907816468

Pages : 150
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