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  What, Why, Where, When & How of Mathematics CBSE Board Class 12 (2008 - 14 Solved Papers + Sample Papers)

What, Why, Where, When & How Of Mathematics Cbse Board Class 12 (2008 - 14 Solved Papers + Sample Papers)

by Deepak Agarwal

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 255.00
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"What, Where, When, Why and How of Mathematics Class 12" is altogether a new approach for practicing and revising Mathematics for Class 12 CBSE Board exams. The book covers solutions to the questions that appeared in the 2008 - 2014 solved papers of CBSE Board Delhi, All India and Foreign (including their compartment papers) papers. The book provides a unique and innovative chapterisation and has been divided on the basis of the types of the questions rather than the typical chapter format. Some of the typical chapter names are: Check Your Knowledge of Concepts Formula based questions Check your understanding of concepts Simplifying the problem How to prove the problems mathematically Application Based short-word problems Application based long word problems Application based (value based) problems etc. The name of the book follows from the answers it provides to the following 5 questions:

What has been asked in the exam?
Why is this question important? Why this question is repeated many-a-times?
How do I answer this question in the best way?
Where (Delhi/AI/Foreign) did this question appeared?
When (year) was this question asked?

The book also provides 3 Sample papers with detailed solutions. The papers have been designed on the latest pattern of the exam as announced by the CBSE. The book will be an eye-opener for all class 12 students who will appear in the CBSE board examination.

Table of Contents:

Check Your Knowledge of Concepts?
Formula based questions
Check your understanding of concepts
Simplifying the problem
How to prove the problems mathematically
Application Based short-word problems
Application based long word problems
Application based (value based) problems

Sample Paper-1

Sample Paper-2

Sample Paper-3

Detailed Solutions to Sample Paper 1 to 3ISBN - 9789384905033

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