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  Economic Zoology?

Economic Zoology?

by Jaiswal & Jaiswal

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  The present book is a novel attempt to make available the students an exhaustive, interesting and valuable information on the subject of Economic Zoology. All kinds of animal pathogens such as protozoans, helminths, nematodes, mites and ticks and household insects, directly or indirectly causing diseases in other animals including humans, have been described in detail covering every aspect of their life history along with the symptoms appearing on the hosts and their prevention, control and cure. Furthermore, along with the animal pathogens mentioned above, plant pathogens, such as insects, acting as pests of a variety of crops have also been described in full detail. Apart from the harmful effects, animals are also beneficial to mankind. This seems to be justified when we go through the chapters relating to apiculture, lac culture and sericulture along with fisheries, prawn culture, pearl culture, cattle farming, pig farming and poultry farming.

Key Features:

Chapters enriched with photomicrographs present a realistic description.
Exclusive life cycle diagrams of pathogens are helpful in understanding important events of their life.
Exhaustive coverage of the subject matter helps students to understand the concepts with clarity and provide a wide range of information in a single volume.
Chapter-end review questions help students to prepare for the examinations and assess their subject knowledge.

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: Protozoan Parasites of Man and Animals
Chapter 2: Helminths as Human and Animal Parasites
Chapter 3: Nematodes that Affect Plants
Chapter 4: Mites and Ticks as Human and Animal Parasites
Chapter 5: Household Insects I
Chapter 6: Household Insects II
Chapter 7: Household Insects III
Chapter 8: Insect Pests of Crops
Chapter 9: Insect Pest Control
Chapter 10: Apiculture
Chapter 11: Lac Culture
Chapter 12: Sericulture
Chapter 13: Aquaculture - Basic Concepts, Management and Economics
Chapter 14: Fisheries
Chapter 15: Principal Cultivable Fishes
Chapter 16: Prawn Culture
Chapter 17: Pearl Aquaculture
Chapter 18: Cattle Farming and Dairy Industry
Chapter 19: Pig Farming
Chapter 20: Poultry Farming

Review Questions


IndexISBN - 9788120348868

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