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  Collected Poems: With A New Introduction By John Thieme

Collected Poems: With A New Introduction By John Thieme

by Ezekiel Nissim

  Price : Rs 575.00
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  Ezekiel s poetry described love, loneliness, lust, creativity and political pomposity, human foibles and the "kindred clamour" of urban dissonance. He echoed England s postwar Movement (Philip Larkin, DJ Enright and Ted Hughes) but honed a distinct, ironic voice, moving from strict metre to free verse. -- Lawrence Joffe, The Guardian his tight rhymed quatrains...displayed a wry, dryly mischievous sense of humour and an eye that was observant and sympathetic at once. -- Dom Moraes, Outlook He was a poet of the heart, of failure, of doubt, of "the unquiet mind, the emptiness within", someone who revelled in rodent-like explorations of love. -- Keki N Daruwalla, The Hindu By absorbing the lessons of modernism and making his poetic debut in an idiom that remains fresh after 50 years, he showed the way to his younger contemporaries...Someone in a mood for coining phrases could justifiably identify all contemporary Indian English poets as the tribe of Ezekiel . -- Kaiser Haq, University of Dhaka Nissim Ezekiel radicalised the subject matter of poetryISBN - 9780195672497

Pages : 336
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