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  Brahmand World Defence Update 2015

Brahmand World Defence Update 2015

by Na

  Price : Rs 3500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2870.00
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  Brahmand World Defence Update 2015 aims at providing a comprehensive assessment of the present day global military order with a focus on each nation`s military capabilities, new arms acquisitions and defence spending.

The fourth edition of the yearbook featuring a new chapter on Comprehensive Overview of Missile Systems promises to add fresh impetus to the book by focusing on major countries` various missile systems and their latest advancements that can influence the battlefield of tomorrow.

The yearbook also contains the latest information on defence capabilities of 113 countries and has highlighted 33 important countries along with their geopolitical importance, internal and external conflict areas, threat perspectives, strategic relations, multilateral alliances, defence capabilities including strategic forces and defence deals. Some of the major highlights of the book include:

Defence & Security - Internal, external conflicts, threat perspective, past/present military conflicts strategic tie-ups with other countries and with major international organisations.

Defence Capabilities - Military structure, strength of Army/Navy/Air Force, latest data on arms and equipment, new RFPs/Contracts for defence procurements and modernisation programmes.

Defence Industry - Defence production, Research & Development activities, defence exports/imports and procurement procedures/plans.

ISBN - 9788182748248

Pages : 402
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