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  Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light

by Henryk Skolimowski

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 495.00
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  At the beginning was Light. Light - pure, distilled, triumphant and overwhelming in its unity and possibilities. Out of this Light came everything that we call Cosmos, Universe and Life. The story of the Universe is the story of the evolving Light, which is intertwined with Love. Love is not accidental but essential to the story of the Universe. Equally essential are sacred symbols, thinking and art. The story of the Universe is enthralling, fascinating, mysterious and yet simple. We need to have the eyes to see the beauty and the genius of Life, as it incessantly re-creates and transforms itself. The meaning of Life is simple. This meaning is the loom around which everything that exists is woven. Light is the divine denominator, which unites us all. We are truly one because we are all made of Light. This unity is tremendously reassuring and is a source of hope and optimism. If we need one single and sure beacon of hope, it is Light. Let There Be Light is a superbly crafted book that touches our core with its philosophy of Cosmic Creativity. A must read for everyone interested in understanding Life and its mystery and various aspects of evolution, this book also provides a timely wake-up call for us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of science as well as all religions which the book proclaims act as nothing but filters of Light. It encourages us to transcend such barriers and embrace true Light to rediscover ourselves. Welcome to the Journey! ISBN-9788183281522

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