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Bombcase Baxi And Cleo

by Bina Biswas / Sayantan Gupta

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 359.10
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About the Author
Bina Biswas

A Professor of English, based in Hyderabad, is a translator, critic, poet, fiction writer and multilinguist par excellence, besides being a Tagore expert. Her first book, a collection of short stories titled "The Tale of the Missing Shoe and Other Stories" and the second, "Breeze in the Old Building and Other Stories" have been published in 2012. Her book "Tagore`s Heroines, Portraits of Gender Orientation" and her poetry book "Forest Flowers" have been released in May 2013. Her translation of Mahesh Dattani`s play "Final Solutions" into Bengali, Naseer Ahmad Nasir`s poems into English from Urdu and the well-known Bangladeshi playwright Masum Reza Khan`s play Araz Charitramala into English from Bengali (co-translator) will be published soon. She is also the co-author of the English translation of Michael Madhusudan Dutt`s celebrated epic, Meghnad Vadh Kavya, in a mammoth work titled "An Epic on the Slaying of Meghnaad", to be published soon. She is presently working on a docufiction on the strife-torn Middle East vis-a-vis religions of the world.
Sayantan Gupta

Sayantan Gupta, is a Gynaecologist in Malda, West Bengal. Writing is his passion. He is very proficient in writing prose, poetry and drama. Some of the dramas he has written have been successfully performed on stage. Till date, his publications include an anthology of poems, "Where the Rainbow Ends", a short story ollection, "The Unclaimed Luggage and other stories" and novel, "The Abode of Kings". His novels, "The Flames burnt dark, the Tale of the Aryasura", "The Physician Legacy of the Healer God" and "The Karna Pages", two anthologies of poems, one on "Love" and the other on "Life" and a translation of Masoom Reza Khan`s Bangla play, "Araj Charitramala", (co-translator) will be published soon. He is also the co-author of the English translation of Michael Madhusudan Dutt`s celebrated epic, Meghnad Vadh Kavya, in a mammoth work titled "An Epic on the Slaying of Meghnaad" to be published soon. He is an active Rotarian and enjoys reading, writing, sports, travel and making friends.ISBN - 9789383793181

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