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  Advertisers at Work

Advertisers At Work

by Tracy Tuten

  Price : Rs 549.00
  Your Price : Rs 494.10
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  What youll learn

How advertisings leaders and rising stars developed their careers and overcame challenges
How the world`s best advertising professionals do their jobs
What industry developments worry and excite these leaders
What it is about advertising that motivates these unique personalities to want to be the best in the world at what they do
Examples of how challenges can be faced and successes leveraged in advertising careers
Strategies, tactics, and insights for all jobs in advertising
Who this book is for

Advertisers at Work is a book for professionals and students in advertising and related fields (marketing, public relations, branding, media), as well as those interestedmaybe thanks to the AMC show "Mad Men" in an endlessly fascinating industry. It targets the reader who reads new releases related to advertising (books like Engage and Watch This, Listen Up, and Click Here, and hundreds of others), but wants more than a howto or primer on a burgeoning area within the broader field. It also targets those who want to know what the people making a difference in the field of advertising today are doing, thinking, and anticipating; what theyve experienced; and how those experiences are shaping the future of advertising. ISBN - 9788132209553

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