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  Sikh Cultural Traditions, Customs, Manners and Ceremonies

Sikh Cultural Traditions, Customs, Manners And Ceremonies

by Ramesh Chander Dogra Mbe, Urmila Dogra

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 575.00
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  Sikhism started by Guru Nanak, born in 1469, and the philosophy he propagated has now spread to many parts of the world. The book is one of the first of its kind to highlight the message of the ten Gurus. It also includes the Sikh traditions, culture, customs, manners and ceremonies. Sikhism is one of the natural gifts of India to the world as it is tolerant to other faiths, and believes that everyone is equal and worships the One God (Ik/Ek Omkar), who has been given different names by different religions. Sikhism encourages people to live in peace and also to be tolerant of beliefs and traditions of other faiths.

Guru Nanak declared there was only One God (Ik/Ek Omkar), and preached the principal of fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. Sikhism accepts the doctrine of Karma, transmigration, repetition of the name of God, necessity of the Guru, etc. The book offers everything that its title promises, and also reflects the attitude and beliefs of the Sikhs on matters like the meaning of absolute, Nam Simran etc. It is intended for every one interested in knowing about the traditions, customs, manners and ceremonies of the Sikhs.ISBN-9789381406243

Pages : 240
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