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  The Major Law Lexicon The Encyclopaedic Law Dictionary with Legal Maxims, Latin Terms and Words & Phrases 4th Edition

The Major Law Lexicon The Encyclopaedic Law Dictionary With Legal Maxims, Latin Terms And Words & Phrases 4Th Edition

by P Ramanatha Aiyar

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  P Ramanatha Aiyar?s Major Law Lexicon, a new title based on the Advanced Law Lexicon is an encyclopaedic work and an essential reference for every law library. The book has been extensively researched, and has over 1,35,000 entries and more than 8,50,000 references. The present edition includes wideranging updates of legislative and judicial definitions from 26 High Courts. It also includes a collection of Latin terms, Legal Maxims, Historical/Archival words, definitions from standard legal textbooks, European legal terms, and Indian regional terms. Judicial definitions are sourced from about a hundred years of Indian case law through National and State law journals. All aspects and areas of law are covered including important current topics under IPRs, Cyber Law, and International Law. We have ensured that this Lexicon accomplishes the true functions of a legal dictionary. It is intended to supply a key to the great works in Indian jurisprudence, and to serve as an aid to the use of those works, and to define and explain the various meanings,which are or have been attached to them in our legal literature.

Key Highlights - The present encyclopaedic edition incorporates definitions of legal words and phrases covering 135,000 entries and 850,000 references. - Definitions incorporated are clear and complete, with accurate meanings. References to statutory interpretations of words and phrases will be found under appropriate titles.

- Not only has each word been defined as to its exact meaning but, wherever necessary, the more important synonyms occurring in legal phraseology have been distinguished from allied words and expressions.

- Incorporates numerous words which are current in various States, which have acquired a quasi-technical meaning in law, or which, being frequently used in legal textbooks, revenue records or private documents, have often been referred to by our courts.

- Many terms of public law are defined herein as also those which are commonly used in the sphere of trade, banking and commerce. The main phrases of international, maritime, military and mercantile law and of forensic medicine are also included herein.

- A considerable collection of the terms in other systems of law, especially English and American, have also been included in this Lexicon. As most of our Codes are based on English statutes or decisions, and as English Acts, decisions and textbooks are often referred to, explanatory definitions of terms of words and phrases which are peculiar to such foreign disciplines are included in this Lexicon.

- Another feature of this Lexicon will be found in the illustrative and explanatory quotations from judgments of Indian, English and American Courts. Judicial interpretation of words having no distinctive legal bearing but interpreted solely in the light of their context or use in a particular context have also been inserted at appropriate places.ISBN-

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