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  Research Methodology for Researchers in                Commerce and Management

Research Methodology For Researchers In Commerce And Management

by Dr. K. Rajeswari, Dr. T. Palaneeswari, Mrs. M. Jayalakshmi

  Price : Rs 340.00
  Your Price : Rs 295.80
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  Research is embedded in all human activity. It is almost instinctive. All that we know today is the cumulative findings of past countless centuries of human effort. Even before we learn to formalize research activity, our ancestors had accumulated plenty of knowledge day-by-day, triggering various and problems. Research Methodology is a structured framework of conducting research in order to adders various issues and to solve problems in a scientific way. Progress in education is possible only when higher education gives importance for research. There is a correlation between economic and the development of Commerce Research, which is reflected from the fact that today we bank upon strong statistical endorsement to show the rise and fall of different economic patterns of organizations.

The research outcome helps in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning which helps in designing suitable learning materials, effective course delivery system and student support services, keeping this in mind, the Commerce Department of The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for women. Sivakasi made since attempt to focus on Research and organized Three Day Workshop on Research Methodology for Researchers in Commerce and Management from 4th to 6th August, 2009. Eminent Professors from various universities from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra encouraged the research scholars of SET/NET as it enhances the rationality of learning and gives students an idea of how research is to be carried out in a systematic way. The lecture given by these eminent personality have been brought out as a volume with the courtesy of Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi. The original research articles contributed by the faculty and research scholars are also included in this book. The Research scholars and Faculties have submitted their original research papers on Marketing, Banking, Insurance and Agriculture.

The future of the world lies in research and creation of knowledge. Progress in education is possible only when the universities give importance for research. To give importance and create research culture, the articles of the Resource persons and the Research scholars have been brought out as a volume. The Proceeding of the workshop which has been brought out in this volume will familiarize the research students of commerce and management with lucid and precise style of writing research reports. This volume will be of immense help to scholars to have an insight on statement and presentation of research problem. Data collection and interpretation, analysis, finding conclusion, citation style and footnotes. The articles in the book will be an eye opener to apply statistical tools and techniques for research which also import clarity of ideas and practical knowledge in the important dimensions of Research Methodology in Commerce Management. ISBN - 9788184888942

Pages : 378
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