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  Legal Education in India 2nd Edition

Legal Education In India 2Nd Edition

by Chandra Krishnamurthy

  Price : Rs 180.00
  Your Price : Rs 156.60
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  The last century of the last millennium was one of the worst in recorded history for war, conflict between men and men, nation and nation and for flagrant violation of human rights. On the other hand, the last century of the last millennium has also generated the promise of improvement and development in the field of science and technology including communication and information technology and law. That century also helped us to arrive at new economic, social, ecological and political arrangements all over the world. New horizons were opened in the fields of trade, commerce, science and technology and law. Various new areas in the field of law were opened. The world is heading towards rapid progress in all fields including law. Globalization has changed dynamism of entire polity and society. Now, the whole world is giving importance upon knowledge economy. Since the development of knowledge economy remains an important goal of the developed and developing countries, the establishment of educational institutions of global excellence along with changed new curriculum of global standard ought to become the priority of the developing country like India. Universities worldwide are preparing them to face the challenges of globalization. Some of the famous Universities of the world like Cambridge, Harvard, New York, Oxford, Stanford and Yale are gearing themselves up to cope with the changing situation of internationalization of education. Globalization and the changing dimension of the Indian economy and polity have thrown up new challenges before us.

It is in this international and global spectacle. This is not meant to be a polemical or critical piece but is an earnest appeal to the concerned authorities to do the needful in the changed era of globalization. Today, legal education requires modernization and a complete relook both at the teaching methodology and the curriculum development. It should be a comprehensive capsule to cater to the various stakeholders of the society.ISBN - 9789350247518

Pages : 164
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